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Operating expenses (“OpEx”) and common area maintenance fees (“CAM”) are two important items in any commercial lease, but they are often overlooked after the decision is made on how to split up these fees. Typically, operating expenses are calculated and allocated based on a gross, modified gross, or triple net basis, with the tenant being responsible for a percentage of CAM based on the percentage of the total property they occupy ...

TSMP Law Corporation | March 2020

New anti-harassment law in time for new virus panic. The COVID-19 crisis that began in Wuhan, China, brings to mind earlier epidemics. In 2003, we were in the grip of the severe acute respiratory syndrome (Sars). It was the first pandemic in the era of the Internet, blogging and social media. Amid the panic about infections, one individual was widely labelled a “super spreader”. Her name and personal details were published ...

ENSafrica | August 2021

The liability of online platforms relating to infringing IP material that appears on their platforms is an interesting topic. Who is liable for infringing material that appears on online platforms, the person who posts the material or the online platform? This was recently considered by the Court of Justice of the European Union (“CJEU”) in two separate cases. Some preliminary points Copyright news in South Africa these days is scant ...

Introduction: Lawyers as Stewards of a Noble Profession In the final scenes of the movie “A Few Good Men” – one of the great classics of legal cinema – under dramatic, but extremely risky cross-examination by Lt. Daniel Kaffee (played by Tom Cruise), Col. Nathan Jessup (played by Jack Nicholson) admitted to directing the kind of “Code Red” discipline which led to the unintentional death of a Marine stationed at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba ...

Asters | August 2022

On June 21, 2022, the government adopted Resolution No. 702 , which regulates the procedure for receiving partial unemployment benefits. From now on , self-employed persons and employees who have lost part of their income can count on assistance from the state. However, it should be noted that it is not the employee, but the employer who should seek help ...

Whither Advance Ruling under Income tax law? ‘Prevention is better than cure’ is an adage that applies equally to litigation - specially to tax litigation. Towards this end and based on several committee reports starting from Wanchoo Committee (1971) to Choksi Committee (1978) and Raja Chelliah Committee (1993), the Government eventually introduced a mechanism for advance rulings by inserting a new Chapter XIX-B in Income Tax Act 1961 (the Act) ...

Hanson Bridgett LLP | September 2017

The Origin & Cause In 2010, a California jury returned a $671 million verdict in a class action alleging "violation of the rights of residents" under the California Health and Safety Code[1] arising from alleged understaffing at senior care facilities.  Before the jury determined whether to award punitive damages, the Lavender, et. al. v.Skilled Healthcare Group, Inc.[2]lawsuit settled ...

Hanson Bridgett LLP | September 2017

The Origin & Cause In 2010, a California jury returned a $671 million verdict in a class action alleging "violation of the rights of residents" under the California Health and Safety Code[1] arising from alleged understaffing at senior care facilities.  Before the jury determined whether to award punitive damages, the Lavender, et. al. v.Skilled Healthcare Group, Inc.[2]lawsuit settled ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | August 2013

The White House recently issued a report outlining potential incentives that may be available to companies that adopt the voluntary cybersecurity framework currently being developed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (the “Framework”). Both the incentives program and the Framework are being developed pursuant to the February executive order aimed at improving the cybersecurity of America’s critical infrastructure (read our prior coverage of the executive order here) ...

On October 7, 2022, the White House released its National Strategy for the Arctic Region, further developing the federal government’s approach to the northernmost region, which is under intergovernmental purview. The document is an update to a policy released in 2013, and is intended to express the federal government’s “affirmative U.S ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | November 2013

The Second Circuit recently affirmed the dismissal of a False Claims Act lawsuit brought by the former general counsel of a clinical laboratory because the counsel disclosed confidential information in violation of state ethics rules. In Fair Labor Practices Associates v. Quest Diagnostics Inc., 2013 WL 5763181 (2nd Cir. Oct ...

Shoosmiths LLP | August 2021

This is the third in a mini-series of articles looking at whistleblowing claims. This article looks at the importance of having whistleblowing policies in the workplace. Having a clear and cohesive whistleblowing policy in place assists employees with making whistleblowing complaints in a correct and compliant way and enables employers to handle them effectively in response ...

Shoosmiths LLP | October 2021

In our fourth article on whistleblowing claims we focus on the need, in sensitive situations where concerns of serious (and perhaps even criminal) wrongdoing are raised, for the complaint to be dealt with confidentially and/or anonymously where possible ...

Shoosmiths LLP | February 2023

Blowing a whistle remains the most effective means of being heard above the crowd and drawing attention to an issue. Speaking up can help charities to do their work even better. The relevance of whistleblowing to charities  A private member’s bill is wending its way through Parliament at the moment, looking to establish an Office of the Whistleblower ...

Shoosmiths LLP | April 2023

Facilitating whistleblowing and supporting those who do raise concerns is a very important health check for charities, who are judged not just on the basis of what they do, but also how they do it, and who need to remain mindful of “walking the talk ...

Shoosmiths LLP | December 2021

In the final instalment in our series of articles looking at whistleblowing claims, we look at types of whistleblowing claims and their potential remedy at an employment tribunal. Previously we looked at what amounts to a protected disclosure, how clear and effective policies in place helps employers to handle protected disclosures and the handling of complaints confidentially and/or anonymously ...

Dykema | January 2021

The President recently signed into law the Criminal Antitrust Anti-Retaliation Act (S. 2258) (116th Cong. (2020)), which amends the Antitrust Criminal Penalty Enhancement and Reform Act of 2004. It grants stronger protections to employees who come forward with claims of antitrust violations. Specifically, the law prohibits employers from discharge, demotion, or suspension, as well as any discrimination against any employee who assists in a government antitrust investigation ...

Note on how the national courts will reason upon the requests for additional evidences in appeal when the Suspension of civil procedures due to COVID-19 crisis will cease and the activity in courts will be resumed. Good news from the High Court of Romania! Even though most of the civil cases are suspendedex officiothroughout the state of emergency instated by the Decree no. 195/16.03 ...

DORDA | March 2020

Can a company collect data about a (potential) infection with COVID-19? Both, in case of information on a suspected case and in a confirmed case, special categories of personal data are processed. Whether a company may process such health data of employees, customers, suppliers or other third parties is exclusively governed by Art 9 GDPR ...

ALTIUS/Tiberghien | March 2020

Belgium is a complex country and many authorities have jurisdiction  The Federal government is in charge of emergency planning. It can activate a federal stage emergency planning in which case the Federal Minister of the Interior has exceptional authority and can coordinate the emergency activities. As announced at a press conference on Thursday 12 March 2020, at about 10 pm, this federal stage has been activated ...

Deacons | August 2021

It is not uncommon to have a multi-tiered dispute resolution clause in construction and commercial contracts, setting out the agreed mechanism in the event that a dispute arises between the parties. For example, parties may be required under such clause to first attempt settlement by negotiating in good faith, before going on to mediation if the negotiation fails, and finally proceeding to arbitration if mediation also fails ...

Carey Olsen | October 2023

In the second instalment of The Fintech Times' ‘Where to Relocate’ series, we turn the spotlight to the Cayman Islands as a VASP-friendly jurisdiction. Situated in the Caribbean, the Cayman Islands offer a unique blend of regulatory excellence, technological innovation, and a commitment to fostering the growth of digital assets ...

Shoosmiths LLP | July 2024

The Chancellor’s statement on 8 July 2024 stated that mandatory housing targets will be restored as part of the reform of the National Planning Policy Framework in England and Wales. This is expected to be included in the King’s speech on 17 July. The planning regime in Scotland is devolved and it is the National Planning Framework 4 (NPF4) that applies. Challenges and court cases followed the publication of NPF4 in February 2023 ...

Shoosmiths LLP | December 2021

Taking agricultural land out of production to offset the impact of nitrate pollution from housing can generate income for its owner and benefit developers and local authorities. The problem Nitrogen and Phosphorus are essential nutrients for plants. Used as fertilisers they boost growth and increase crop yields. They are also a pollutant ...

Shoosmiths LLP | June 2024

A recent parliamentary report, the last to be published before the upcoming UK general election, says that we need to “fundamentally change the way we think” about AI ...
