WSG Members Earn Prestigious Mansfield Rule 6.0 Certification

November, 2023 - United States of America

WSG is honored to recognize the member firms that recently achieved the 2022-2023 Mansfield Rule 6.0 Certification from Diversity Lab through their ongoing commitment to boost and sustain diversity in law firm leadership.

The rigorous, year-long certification program requires firms to adopt and adhere to specific requirements, including considering at least 30% underrepresented talent when appointing or electing leaders, promoting equity partnerships, hiring senior-level laterals, and business development activities. This significant milestone reflects these firms’ continued dedication to promoting diversity, equity, and inclusivity in leadership.

WSG Member Firms Include:

Bradley Arant Boult Cummings LLP


Dinsmore & Shohl LLP


Hanson Bridgett LLP

Haynes and Boone

Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP

Morris, Manning & Martin, LLP

Patterson Belknap Webb & Tyler LLP

Quarles and Brady LLP

To read more on the Mansfield Rule 6.0 Certification and Diversity Lab, click here.
