The EU Data Act will start to apply in September 2025. It has become clear that one of the most vexing issues in applying the Data Act to real-life scenarios may in fact be a very basic one: Understanding how the apparatus of roles of the Data Act works in practice, and how it interacts with parallel role definitions of other EU laws. We discuss some of these issues and proposed solutions in this brief article. Understanding the roles - why does it matter? To put it bluntly, in order to make any sense of one's rights and obligations under the Data Act, it is crucial to understand what role one is playing. If the roles are misunderstood, compliance with the Data Act rules will go astray...
Krogerus is a premier business law firm whose practice covers a broad spectrum of transactional, dispute resolution and regulatory matters. We have a particularly strong focus in the energy, finance, food and beverage, healthcare, real estate, technology and telecommunications sectors.
The firm's clients include leading public and private companies, multinationals, international law firms, banks and other financial institutions as well as private equity investors. We also advise governments, governmental authorities and international organisations.
Our achievements stem from the talent of our professionals, our focus on providing results and the strength of our commitment to clients and each other. We are regularly retained in some of the most challenging and high-profile assignments in the Finnish market.
Year this Office was Established: 1992
Lawyers Worldwide: 260
Languages: Finnish, Swedish, English, French, German, Russian and Spanish
Areas of Practice
Ritva Aalto
PartnerJohan Aalto
PartnerSimo Autio
PartnerMikko Elonheimo
PartnerTom Fagernäs
PartnerVille Hailikari
PartnerPessi Honkasalo
PartnerKalle Hynönen
PartnerJoakim Jansson
PartnerKatri Joenpolvi
PartnerJan Johanson
PartnerKirsi Kannaste
PartnerJuha Pekka Katainen
PartnerHeidi Kivenjuuri
PartnerMårten Knuts
Managing PartnerThomas Kolster
PartnerSami Laine
PartnerSamu Lassila
PartnerAntti Lehtimaja
PartnerLeena Lindberg
PartnerAntti Luhtala
PartnerJarmo Makkonen
PartnerSami Martola
PartnerCarola Möller
PartnerMarcus Möller
PartnerPaul Raade
PartnerAnnika Schauman
PartnerPyry Somervuori
PartnerMika Ståhlberg
PartnerMikko Tiilikka
PartnerPäivi Toivari
PartnerHeikki Vesa
PartnerMarko Vuori
Alina Böling
CounselValle-Veikko Eronen
CounselKalle Hakkarainen
CounselMikko Iso-Aho
CounselJoel Kanervo
CounselJenna Kiiskinen
CounselHenri Koskenoja
CounselEssi Launonen
CounselGustaf Möller
Of CounselIlari Mustonen
CounselJoonas Parkkinen
CounselMikko Pirttilä
Anna Sahrakorpi
CounselMinna Siekkinen
CounselPiia Sinisalo
CounselJon Stenlund Lindgren
CounselAnna Talvitie
CounselSimo Vanhanen
CounselVilja Virta
Jasmin Wardi
CounselSenior Associate
Andreas Brink
Senior AssociateAlexander Bützow
Senior AssociateKaarlo Hakkarainen
Senior AssociateJenna Hallikainen
Senior AssociateAnna Jokela
Senior AssociateJussi Juusti
Senior AssociateKatariina Katila
Senior AssociateMarkus Laine
Senior AssociateLiisa Lehtonen
Senior AssociateSaara Leino
Senior AssociateJens Lindén
Senior AssociateSanni Lipponen
Senior AssociateEssi Miettinen
Senior AssociateJoona Ojala
Senior AssociateLiisa Ollberg
Senior AssociateJanna Pihanurmi
Senior AssociateJemiina Pohja
Senior AssociateIiris Rantanen
Senior AssociateMia Rindell
Senior AssociateOlli Silvennoinen
Senior AssociateSonja Sivén
Senior AssociateEveliina Tanskanen
Senior AssociateRiina Toivonen-Vuong
Senior AssociateSamuli Torpisto
Senior AssociateLaura Tuure-Fallström
Senior AssociateJulius Viherkenttä
Senior AssociateAssociate
Sonja Aaltomaa
AssociateOtto Ahtola
Joar Cederberg
AssociateAnna Corrêa de Mora
AssociateHenrik Haijanen
AssociateAnnaleena Hakala
AssociateEssi Hällström
AssociateAda Hård af Segerstad
AssociateJanne Helaskoski
AssociateMaria Hirvelä
AssociateJonas Holm
AssociateManu Honkanen
AssociateKatariina Huhtala
AssociateTeemu Huhtala
AssociateVeera Hurme
AssociateTiina Jääskeläinen
AssociateUlla Jaatinen
AssociateRoosa Järvi
AssociateTiina Jauhiainen
AssociateJulius Jauhiainen
AssociateJenny Kaanela
AssociateEmma Kääriäinen
AssociateSakari Kalpio
Aleksi Kärnä
AssociateOskar Kaskela
AssociateToni Kastell
AssociateMarko Katainen
AssociateInessa Kiili
AssociateSaara Kinnunen
AssociateKaarle Kivimäki
AssociateAleksi Komulainen
AssociateAnniina Konttinen
AssociateThelma Krankkala
AssociateOona-Maria Kultti
AssociateSaara Lahtinen
AssociateEveliina Lassila
AssociateAleksi Laurila
AssociatePyry Lehikoinen
AssociateHanna Lehmonen
AssociateMaria Lilius
AssociateKalle Lipsanen
AssociateHenrik Lyytikäinen
AssociateElina Mäkelä
AssociateUlrika Mäkinen
AssociateAnnika Mattila
AssociateTuuli Merikallio
AssociateAarni Mononen
AssociateMarika Nieminen
AssociateVenla Nummela
AssociateLaura Oiva
AssociateHenna Olkkonen
AssociatePeter Partanen
AssociateLauri Parvela
AssociateSilja Piippo
AssociateAntti Ruhanen
AssociateNiclas Ruotsalainen
AssociateAnna Salokangas
AssociateIlona Satta
AssociateElmeri Simpanen
AssociateElina Terho
AssociateJonni Tiainen
AssociateAmalia Tiainen
AssociateRiku Toivio
AssociateLinda Tuhkunen
AssociateLinda Tunkkari
AssociateElsa Uitto
AssociateHelen Urho
AssociateOona Uusimaa
AssociateLeo Varttala
AssociateAndré von Martens
AssociateVerna von Martens
AssociateMaria Walden
AssociateKonsta Westerlund
AssociateValtteri Ylä-Rautio
AssociateAleksi Yli-Houhala
Employment case law update 2024
In this newsletter, we take a look at selected relevant employment law cases from 2024 and examine what employers should learn from them in practice. Through these cases, we discuss, for example, discrimination based on membership in employees' union, harmonization of salaries, and the employer's obligation to offer alternative work. Employer's right to choose alternative work to be offered In its precedent KKO 2024:24, the Supreme Court ruled that an employer had not breached the obligation to offer alternative work when choosing to not offer a position that the employee was suitable for...
Krogerus Advises Hartwall Capital on the EUR 4.3 Billion Merger of Konecranes and Cargotec
Krogerus advised Hartwall Capital, the largest shareholder of Konecranes, on the EUR 4.3 billion merger of Konecranes and Cargotec. The combined company will be a customer-focused global leader in sustainable material flow. Its illustrative combined annual sales are approximately EUR 7.0 billion and comparable operating profit is approximately EUR 565 million, based on financial year 2019 figures. The proposed combination will be implemented as an absorption merger whereby Konecranes will be merged into Cargotec and Konecranes shareholders will receive new shares in Cargotec. Hartwall Capital, which now owns 10 per cent...
Krogerus Advises CPC Finland on a Joint Venture with Helen for Lakiakangas 3 Wind Farm
Krogerus advised wind power company CPC Finland when it entered into a joint venture with Finnish energy group Helen (40% CPC, 60% Helen) for construction, owning and operating the 86 MW Lakiakangas 3 wind farm, consisting of 20 Vestas V150-4.3 MW turbines and located in the municipalities of Kristiinankaupunki and Isojoki in Western Finland. Krogerus also advised CPC Finland and the project company on the non-recourse project financing provided by OP Corporate Bank for the project. The construction works of the wind farm have already started and the commissioning is expected to take place during the last quarter of 2021...