No one can escape the basic rules of contracting, even the federal government. If the contract is clear and unambiguous, then the four corners of the agreement set the rules for the project and the parties – and there’s not much room for interpretation. The government was recently reminded of this cold, hard truth after it refused to grant a contractor an equitable adjustment of the contract price for purchasing wetland mitigation credits. In Kiewit Infrastructure W. Co. v ...
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, in BGT Holdings LLC v. United States, recently held that the government does not have the discretion to deny a contractor’s request for equitable adjustment (REA) under Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) 52.245-1 (Government Property) where the conditions specified in that clause are present and the contractor is able to show financial loss ...
In a December 2020 opinion, the United States Civilian Board of Contract Appeals (the “Board”) reviewed and reversed a Federal Highway Administration (“FHWA”) Contracting Officer’s (“CO”) decision to terminate for default Eagle Peak Rock & Paving, Inc.’s thirty-six million dollar contract (the “Contract”) for work on a project in Yellowstone National Park (the “Project”) ...
The opening webinar of The Lawyer’s Smarter Working Week saw leaders from a broad range of different sized teams discuss their experiences over the past 12 months and how they will use these learnings to build back better and enhance the experience for their business ...
In the context of a growing transition to a digital economy, the possibility of working anywhere in the world as a remote worker is gaining more and more supporters, and this trend has been encouraged and promoted by many global companies. The concept of digital nomadism focuses on a lifestyle and work that can be considered nomadic in the sense that it does not depend on a fixed location and allows freedom to move around for extended periods of time ...
ENSafrica recently released Africa Regulatory Insight: Coronavirus (COVID-19) Regulatory Measures. This comprehensive report outlines the COVID-19 regulatory measures for each country across Sub-Sahara Africa, providing the sector, measure, effective date/status and key points and impact for each region. The information provided herein is intended to provide a general overview, and is not an exhaustive list of all legislatice developments across Sub-Sahara ...
On 25 March 2021, the Royal Government of Cambodia (“RGC”) implemented ‘Round 8’ of measures aimed at mitigating the impacts of COVID-19 on businesses and workers in Cambodia. The RGC in their press release noted the positive update with respect to the development of COVID-19 vaccines and the fact that Cambodia has to date managed to effectively control COVID-19 ...
Key Points Historic definition of "public works" expanded beyond construction-related activities Supreme Court holds that some special districts must pay prevailing wages to workers performing non-infrastructure related tasks Full extent of coverage of prevailing wages for operational contract workers is unclear Labor Code Section 1720(a)(1) defines a "public work" as "construction, alteration, demolition, installation, or repair work done under contract and paid for in wh
In 2020, as offices and workplaces across Canada closed or reduced staffing capacity due to COVID-19, many Canadian workers who normally performed work at their employer’s worksite were suddenly required to work from home, either fully or partially. While this has not always been an easy transition, the silver lining is that such workers may be eligible for an income tax deduction in respect of their work-from-home situation ...
COVID-19 has forced us to completely rethink the way we live, work and move around. It has begged the question: what is it that makes a great city? Manchester is one of the fastest-growing cities in the UK. With cranes dominating the skyline, billions continue to be invested into the city centre as it evolves into a city of quarters ...
Over the past couple of years, school systems have been faced with several personnel issues related to the ECCAT classification. Several grievances were filed relating to determining seniority of the ECCAT classification, with employees mainly alleging that seniority as an Aide should serve as the seniority date as an ECCAT ...
The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (“ARP Act”), the $1.9 trillion pandemic aid bill, contained changes to (1) the Paycheck Protection Program (“PPP”) by expanding eligibility and other items and (2) the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (“COBRA”). The ARP Act provides for fully subsidized COBRA premium payments ...
UAE Federal Decree Law 19 of 2020 Regarding Trusts (the UAE Trusts Law) was issued in September of 2020. As there was no comparable law previously, the UAE Trusts Law opened the door to trusts in the UAE for the first time (not including DIFC and ADGM trusts, the UAE’s two financial free zones). This is a potentially significant development that holds great promise, although some key questions remain ...
Since the consultation document on Proposed Security of Payment Legislation (SOPL) for the Construction Industry in June 2015 and the report of the consultation in April 2016, the SOPL Bill has yet to be put before the Legislative Council for consideration. The Government released a draft Technical Circular on the Implementation of the Spirit of Security of Payment Legislation in Public Works Contracts (Draft Circular) and a reference document in mid-March 2021 ...
It’s fair to say that ‘employee engagement’ has become quite the buzz word(s) in organisations’ quest for a competitive advantage. But what is engagement really and what impact does it have on performance? Furthermore, how do we drive employee engagement at a time when our own wants and needs are evolving right in front of us? This blog will attempt to scratch the surface on what is a much larger topic ...
The Charity Commission focuses on charities meeting “public expectation”, but they also need to remain true to their stated purpose, even when doing so may prove controversial. A report on our colonial past The National Trust has acted in accordance with its charitable objects. This shouldn’t be headline news, but it has been for the last six months ...
On 25 March 2021, the Royal Government of Cambodia (“RGC”) implemented ‘Round 8’ of measures aimed at mitigating the impacts of COVID-19 on businesses and workers in Cambodia. The RGC in their press release noted the positive update with respect to the development of COVID-19 vaccines and the fact that Cambodia has to date managed to effectively control COVID-19 ...
On 26 March 2021, the Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training (“MLVT”) issued Notification 013/21 (“Notification”) on extending the deadline for foreign employee work permit applications in order to help foreign employees who face difficulties in returning to Cambodia in light of recent COVID-19 outbreak ...
The new American Rescue Plan Act[1] (ARPA) as signed into law earlier this month provides for $1.9 trillion in economic stimulus, supplementing last year’s Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act[2] and its $2.2 trillion allocation, both undertaken in response to the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States ...
On March 19, 2021, Governor Gavin Newsom signed Senate Bill No. 95 (SB95) and revived California’s COVID-19 Supplemental Paid Sick Leave. By March 29, 2021, employers of more than 25 employees must provide Supplemental Paid Sick Leave for covered employees who are unable to work or telework due to concerns related to COVID-19 through at least September 30, 2021 ...
The government’s recently announced low-carbon industrial sector strategy, supported by over £1 billion in funding to cut emissions from industry and public buildings, if nothing else, shows great ambition but does it also deliver the wherewithal to achieve those objectives? It builds on the proposals in the Energy White Paper which themselves expanded upon the Ten Point Plan for a Green Industrial Revolution announced by Prime Minister in November last year ...
On March 17th, 2021, through the publication of General Ruling No. 96/2021 in the Official Gazette, the National Institute of Industrial Property (“INAPI”) provided new instructions in relation to the filing and payment of renewal applications of trademark registrations in Chile, applying the regulations set forth in the Trademark Law Treaty (“TLT”), which was ratified by Chile and is in force since 2012. By virtue of General Ruling No ...
On March 18, 2021, the Financial Market Commission (“FMC”) opened a public consultation process regarding 2 regulations: Amendment to the files that configure the report of financial system debtors The proposed regulatory changes, applicable to banks, supervised cooperatives and bank support companies (sociedades de apoyo al giro), aim to reduce the frequency of the delivery of the files D10 (Information on debtors article 14 LGB (General Banking Act)) and D27 (Obligations
While many Americans are receiving their $1,400 payments from the American Rescue Plan Act (“ARPA”), signed into law on March 11, 2021, employers should be paying attention to the somewhat buried language regarding Families First Coronavirus Relief Act (“FFCRA”) tax credits. Does the ARPA Require Paid Leave? No ...