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Afridi & Angell | July 2019

A previous inBrief dated 30 April 2019 discussed a law recently enacted in the BVI, the Economic Substance (Companies and Limited Partnerships) Act, 2018, which introduced economic substance requirements in the BVI. This article will discuss a similar measure recently promulgated in the UAE ...

ALTIUS/Tiberghien | October 2018

With the development of information and communication technologies, teleworking is a good solution to solve many problems encountered by employees and employers, as well as to solve more global issues: pollution, global warming, stress, traffic jam, car crashes, balance between private and working life, workspace, parking, etc ...

Deacons | December 2011

After being reviewed four times in three years, the Social Insurance Law of the People’s Republic of China (the “Social Insurance Law”) was finally adopted by the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress of China on 28 October 2010. Its implementation rules (the “Implementation Rules”) were subsequently released by the Ministry of Human Resource and Social Security (“MHRSS”) on 29 June 2011. Both the Social Insurance Law and the Implementation Rules came into force on 1 July 2011 ...

Deacons | May 2020

Two new bills, the Insurance Amendment Bill and the Insurance Amendment (No. 2) Bill have recently been gazetted making significant changes to the regulatory regime for insurance companies. Insurance Amendment Bill Special purpose insurer An amendment is made to allow registration of an insurance company which engages in special purpose business only ...

ALRUD Law Firm | July 2023

We would like to inform you that the Extract1 from the decision of the Sub-Commission No. 171/5 as of July 07, 2023 was published on July 12, 2023 ...

Dinsmore & Shohl LLP | April 2022

Under a new bill adopted by the Ohio General Assembly, school boards, governmental bodies, and other third parties will be prohibited from filing complaints to increase the value of others’ Ohio real property for tax purposes, except under certain limited conditions. Am. Sub. H.B. 126 is expected to largely eliminate the practice of retroactive tax increases as a result of complaints filed based on a sale in the year currently subject to appeal. On its effective date, Am. Sub ...

ALTIUS/Tiberghien | February 2024

The new double tax treaty between Belgium and the Netherlands will introduce significant changes  compared to the current Article 5 on permanent establishments. Due to the positions of Belgium and the Netherlands to the Multilateral Instrument (MLI), only the anti-fragmentation rule is applied under the current treaty. Under the new treaty, alignment is sought and found with the other changes proposed by the MLI for permanent establishments ...

ALTIUS/Tiberghien | December 2014

Professionals dealing with secured lending in Belgium have been looking forward for some time to the new Belgian law of 11 July 2013 on security interests over movable goods (“Wet van 11 juli 2013 tot wijziging van het Burgerlijk Wetboek wat de zakelijke zekerheden op roerende goederen betreft en tot opheffing van diverse bepalingen ter zake” / “Loi du 11 juillet 2013 modifiant le Code civil en ce qui concerne les sûretés réelles mobilières et abrogeant diverses dispositions en cette matiè

Karanovic & Partners | January 2017

On 23 November 2016, the Serbian Parliament adopted amendments to the Criminal Code. Changes made include, among other, criminal offence of tax avoidance. Prosecution of tax avoidance was a matter of much controversy in the recent practice, and some of the changes made by the latest amendments are aimed to address these controversies. Though generally welcome, the scope of changes made are unlikely to bring significant improvements in the prosecution of tax avoidance ...

Karanovic & Partners | February 2018

New Amendments to Serbian Tax Laws Views Karanović & Nikolić At the end of 2017, the Serbian Parliament passed amendments to Serbian tax laws, including the Law on Personal Income Tax (PIT Law), the Law on Contributions on Mandatory Social Insurance (CMSI Law), the Law on Corporate Income Tax (CIT Law), and the Law on Value Added Tax (VAT Law). These amendments introduce tax relief for salaries paid to employees in newly incorporated legal entities ...

Afridi & Angell | March 2019

On 6 January 2019, UAE Cabinet Resolution No. 7 of 2019 Concerning the Administrative Fines Imposed by the Insurance Authority was published in the UAE Official Gazette, which lists a total of 204 items that are considered to be violations by the Insurance Authority and their corresponding penalties ...

On 28 April 2020 a government bill including the proposed “Anti-Crisis Shield 3.0” was filed with the parliament. One of the proposals is to amend the Film Act to require providers of on-demand audiovisual media services to make quarterly payments to the Polish Film Institute equal to 1.5% of their revenue from fees for delivering content or for transmission of commercial messages, whichever figure is higher in agiven payment period ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | September 2015

The financial pressures resulting from the “narrow network” phenomenon are well-known to healthcare providers and payers. Many providers have been eliminated from existing networks in order to allow participating providers access to a greater volume of patients. Those remaining providers have seen lower reimbursement rates and other cost containment measures ...

Dinsmore & Shohl LLP | October 2023

Mexico has just announced significant tax incentives for companies in certain key industries to relocate operations to Mexico.  A government decree issued on October 11, 2023 seeks to boost the nearshoring trend targeting ten export-oriented manufacturing sectors. Nearshoring is the process by which a company relocates operations offshore, but close to the market where it intends to sell its products ...

Because American courts have interpreted insurance policies in some unexpected ways over the past several decades, many insurance carriers and policyholders have shied away from U.S.-based insurance coverage and have flocked to Bermuda to use what are commonly referred to as “Bermuda Form” policies. The idea is that the use of these foreign policies can mitigate some of the perceived risks posed by the American court system ...

ENSafrica | September 2021

  The National Treasury (“NT”’) published its draft Taxation Laws Amendment Bill with accompanying Explanatory Memorandum on 28 July 2021 (the “draft Bill”). By now it is well known that the draft Bill contains a fairly radical proposal: section 20 of the Income Tax Act, 1962 (“the Act”) will be amended to limit the amount of an assessed tax loss that may be set-off against taxable income ...

It seems every week, there is a new story about a company being impacted by a major data breach and the consequences that follow from such breach, including the inevitable lawsuits, public relations nightmare, and governmental investigations. These breach stories are then followed by articles about the high costs to deal with these breach events, including costs to notify consumers, to identify the source of the breach, to pay for credit monitoring, among many other costs ...

Shearn Delamore & Co. | September 2022

Dear valued clients, colleagues and friends, On 23 August 2022, the Malaysia Competition Commission (“MyCC”) launched a public consultation on the proposed renewal of a Block Exemption Order (“BEO”) in respect of liner shipping services covered under a VSA. The renewal application was made pursuant to Section 8 of the Competition Act as the earlier BEO granted expired on 6 July 2022.  The press release by MyCC (“Press Release”) is accessible here ...

Shearn Delamore & Co. | June 2021

Dear valued clients, colleagues and friends, In this article, our partner, Anand Raj, and associate, Jeevitha Thurai Rathnam, discuss the Malaysia Competition Commission’s market review exercise into the transportation sector (port logistics ecosystem and motor vehicle warranty claims) ...

DFDL | November 2022

On 17 November 2022, the State Administration Council (“SAC”) enacted the Law Amending the 2022 Union Tax Law (“2022 UTL Amendment”). This law provides tax exemptions for Battery Electric Vehicles (“BEVs”) and increases the corporate income tax rate of companies engaged in the oil and gas exploration and production sector in Myanmar. We highlight below the major changes under this law: 1 ...

DFDL | May 2023

On 25 April 2023, the Ministry of Planning and Finance (“MOPF”) issued a new Standard Operating Procedure (“SOP”) outlining the additional tax requirements when remitting foreign currency payments from Myanmar to overseas. This SOP is effective on 1 May 2023 and applies to individuals, companies, and organizations that are transferring foreign currency payments exceeding USD 10,000 (or its equivalent) ...

DFDL | April 2023

On 30 March 2023, the State Administration Council enacted the 2023 Union Tax Law (“2023 UTL”), which clarifies the tax rates and related procedures concerning income tax, commercial tax, and specific goods tax. This new law is effective on 1 April 2023 or the start of the new financial year 2023-2024 in Myanmar ...

DFDL | May 2023

The Internal Revenue Department (“IRD”) has recently issued an announcement informing newly-registered companies, entities, and individuals to register for tax using the e-Registration Management System (“ERMS”) starting 23 May 2023. Prior to the ERMS, a taxpayer who is applying for a Taxpayer Identification Number (“TIN”) will have to manually submit the relevant documents to the Central Taxpayers Service Unit (“CTSU”) of the IRD ...

DFDL | November 2022

On 16 November 2022, the Internal Revenue Department (“IRD”) issued Public Ruling 3/2022, which clarifies how the tax authorities will interpret tax avoidance, underpayment, false or misleading tax information, and tax evasion as provided under Myanmar’s Tax Administration Law (“TAL”). This Public Ruling will take effect on 1 January 2023. A summary of the Public Ruling is provided here ...
