In the latest development in the Sun Capital litigation, following remand by the First Circuit Court of Appeals, on March 28, 2016, the Federal District Court of Massachusetts found Sun Capital Partners III, LP and Sun Capital Partners III QP, LP (collectively, “Sun Fund III”) and Sun Capital Partners IV, LP (“Sun Fund IV,” and together with Sun Fund III, the “Sun Funds”) liable for the withdrawal liability of Scott Brass Holding Corp ...
The Republic of Serbia's Commission for Protection of Competition, upon completion of an in-depth procedure, has approved Imlek's acquisition of Niška Mlekara's shares, making them 100% owners of this dairy company. The fulldecision document regarding this case has been published on the Commission'sofficial website ...
The United States Department of Justice launched a one-year pilot program, effective April 5, 2016, incentivizing companies to disclose facts about corporate officers, supervisors, employees, and agents involved in violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, 15 U.S.C. §§ 78dd-1, et seq. The FCPA makes it a crime for a U.S. citizen or entity, among others, to bribe a foreign official to gain a business advantage ...
Using the Infrastructure Development Partnership Law (Ley de Alianzas para el Desarrollo de Infraestructura Económica) enacted in 2010 and its specific Rules, the Guatemalan Government through the corresponding government agencies (Agencia Nacional de Alianzas para el Desarrollo de Infraestructura Económica – ANADIE and the Programa Nacional de la Competitividad – PRONACOM), is promoting a project portfolio under BOP scheme (built/operate/transfer) ...
Even though the arrival of the German company "Lidl" in Serbia has been in the media since 2012, the construction of its first store in Smederevo was completed only in late 2015. However, further construction has recently begun on an additional four locations, namely, Belgrade, Bor, Zrenjanin, and Šabac ...
As we are slowly nearing the mid-point of 2016, it is a good time to look back on the export values of companies in Serbia during the previous year, as it is made possible by a set of Serbian Ministry of Finance's recently published data in this regard. According to the Ministry, the total value of the top 15 exporters in the first seven months of 2015 had totalled at approximately EUR 2.2 billion, asFiat Chrysler Automobiles (FCA) led the way with an export value of EUR 814 million ...
Bosnia Bank International (BBI), with support from its Dubai partners and the government of Dubai, has recently presented the Sarajevo Business Forum(SBF) to entrepreneurs from the United Arab Emirates ...
On January 29th, 2016, the Supreme Court issued a ruling (hereinafter the “Ruling”), that changed the criteria regarding the requirements that trigger the entitlement to the statutory benefit known as “full week” (semana corrida) which applies to employees who are remunerated based on a fixed salary and a variable compensation. 1.- Criteria before the Ruling The full week benefit was originally applicable to employees remunerated exclusively on a daily basis or by piecework ...
1. Background and Issue Labour representation at board level is a well-established part of the German corporate governance system. According to the German Co-Determination Act, a corporation with more than 2,000 employees has to establish a co-determined supervisory board composed of an equal number of shareholders’ and employees’ representatives ...
Dear All, Recently we have informed you on the general prohibition to use lease of personnel in Russia introduced by the Law No.116-FZ "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation" which came into force as of January 1, 2016. After it was adopted there was a period of uncertainty when it was not clear whether secondment contracts concluded before 2016 shall be terminated or not ...
We have news on the M&A front coming from the south of our region, where there have been reports aboutViva Fresh, a Priština based Kosovan grocery retailer, looking to sell a minority stake to the View More
This blog post, written by Milica Filipović, was published by Compliance Champion Spotlight, a forum for individuals and o
California Code of Regulations, title 2, section 11023 became effective April 1, 2016. It has new and specific requirements for employers’ anti-harassment, anti-discrimination, and anti-retaliation policies. California employers should revisit their policies to ensure they are in compliance with the new regulations and make sure the policies have been properly distributed to all employees ...
From its beginnings, Karanović & Nikolić has shown a deep commitment towards attracting, developing and attaining top experts in the legal profession. In order to be the best we must have the best people and offering a world class learning and development programme has been an integral part of our business philosophy. By providing the opportunity to our people to grow individually and become better professionals we are able to provide better service to our clients ...
On Friday, 25 March 2016, Karanović & Nikolić hosted a lunch on its premises, with the goal of promoting our practice's pro bono activities. Patricia Gannon, Senior Partner, gave a speech where she stressed the importance of actively giving back to society and those members of our community who have never been in a privileged position to do so themselves. The luncheon was concluded with the introduction of lawyers within the practice who have been the most engaged in this area ...
In the Official Gazzette 720 of March 28th, 2016 was published the Development of Youth Work, Exceptional Regulation to the Working Time and Unemployment Insurance Organic Act (Ley Orgánica para la Promoción del Trabajo Juvenil, Regulacion Excepcional de la Jornada de Trabajo, Cesantia y Seguro de Desempleo).This brand-new Act modifies the following laws:Labor CodeCreates the new labor figure of Youth Work, which can be sign with persons between 18 to 26 years old ...
As the summer season draws closer, a stream of news continues to come our way from the Adriatic coast of our region. Montenegro is the source of updates this time around, as there have been reports about the Stratex Group taking full control over Budvanska Rivijera Hotel Group – a company in which they already hold a 30% ownership stake. The deal would include all of Budvanska Rivijera's assets excluding the St ...
The South African Labour Courts have, until now, not had the opportunity to consider what impact, if any, a so-called “gardening leave” provision may have on the enforceability of a restraint of trade. This issue, among others, came before the Labour Court in Johannesburg in the case ofVodacom v Godfrey Motsa and MTN Group (J74/16). Judgment was handed down by Van Niekerk J on 9 February 2016 ...
In a recent statement to the press, the Slovenian Minister of Economic Development and Technology, Zdravko Počivalšek, labelled the Serbian spas as great tourism potentials and 'undiscovered gems', before continuing to declare Slovenian interest for investing in them ...
Do hashtag trade marks need special consideration? There’s been quite a bit of discussion on the issue of hashtag trade marks of late, and there was a particularly useful article on the topic in a recent edition (1 February 2016) of the International Trademark Association (“INTA”) Bulletin. The article was entitled “Are Hashtags Capable of Trademark Protection under U.S. Law?”, and it was written by Carrie L. Kiedrowski and Charlotte K. Murphy of the firm Jones Day ...
Chambers & Partners has published the latest edition of its guide this month, and we are pleased to announce that Karanović & Nikolić has once again been included in its list of the best legal practices in the world. The Chambers guides are the culmination of thousands of in-depth interviews conducted by the largest research team of its kind, with a globally attained credibility in objectively ranking the world's best legal practices from more than 190 countries in total ...
On March 14, 2016 the Mexican Ministry of Economy published in Official Gazette of the Federation a decree amending the General Corporations Law (Ley General de Sociedades Mercantiles) which will allow the incorporation of Mexican simplified commercial corporations or “SAS” (sociedad por acciones simplificada) within a 24-hour time frame.To read the full alert, click here ...
Employment law specialist and Karanović & Nikolić's Senior Associate, Jelena Danilović, has contributed to the newest edition of Women, Business and the Law 2016 – Getting Equal, issued by the World Bank Group.This report is the fourth in a biennial series of reports that provide objective measures of legal and regulatory barriers to women's entrepreneurship and employment ...
The Serbian Foreign Investors Council (FIC) has re-elected Mirko Kovač to the position of Vice President of the FIC HR Committee for a period of 2 years, effectively giving Mirko his second mandate as the Vice President of the HR Committee ...