We are seeing an increase in the use of warranty and indemnity insurance (W&I) on transactions, which is a theme we expect to continue as buyers target companies that are in financial distress in the wake of Covid-19. W&I has become commonplace in the UK M&A market as a way to ‘bridge the gap’ between buyer and seller when allocating risk ...
How can undertakings access state aid and under what conditions can the state grant this aid? Concept of state aid State aid is any economic or financial support granted by the state, or from state resources, that gives an undertaking a selective advantage which may affect trade between Member States. State aid is, in principle, prohibited. Therefore, it must be notified to the European Commission in order for it to decide whether it is compatible with the internal market ...
In a split decision with far-reaching implications for both government contractors and the private bar, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, in Inserso Corporation v. U.S., recently addressed timeliness and waiver issues in the bid protest context. The facts of this significant case, the majority and dissenting opinions, as well as key takeaways for federal contractors and their attorneys, are discussed below. The Facts The U.S ...
The Commission for the Financial Market (“CMF”), issued the General Rule No. 443, dated June 15, 2020 (the “NCG 443”), in order to establish the requirements to temporarily exempt from the presentation of certain documentation in the applications for registration of public offers of securities, and to permanently amend the General Rule No ...
The U.S. Copyright Office has issued a final regulation (37 CFR §202.4) permitting a single, “group” registration for “Short Online Literary Works.” To be eligible, each of the works included in the registration “must be published as part of a website or online platform, including online newspapers, social media websites, and social networking platforms ...
Free way to different sports disciplines, among them, the practice of Golf. The Ministry of Sports issued Resolution 632 of 2020, approving the specific biosafety protocol for playing Golf that was presented by the Colombian Golf Federation. The protocol describes the measures that the clubs must implement on the golf courses for their reopening, for recreational practice, and exclusively covers the complex of facilities inherent in a standard golf course ...
Contracts and force majeure during a pandemic was published recently in the Indian Business Law Journal authored by Chandrasekhar Tampi, senior partner and Ankur Khandelwal, partner, Kochhar & Co. Overview- The spread of COVID-19 has raised multiple questions with respect to performance of commercial contracts, across the globe. While some contracts have witnessed the erosion of their foundation, others have been rendered difficult, even possible, to be performed ...
On June 10, 2020, the NASAA Franchise and Business Opportunity Project Group (“NASAA Franchise Project Group”) issued a statement on the importance of accurately disclosing financial performance representations amidst the worldwide impact of COVID-19 ...
This 12th edition of Unprecedented, our weekly update on COVID-19-related litigation brings new developments in labor and employment cases, consumer protection cases, and civil rights litigation. Price gouging and fraud for personal protective equipment (particularly N95 masks) remain major focuses, with manufacturers, retailers, and governments all taking action ...
Key Points Before undertaking a stock option repricing program, consider the tax impact on employees holding incentive stock options (ISOs) Additionally, consider the corporate and securities laws that govern repricing programs Introduction Stock options are a vital form of compensation at a wide range of privately-held companies.1 Stock options are intended to motivate employees to drive stockholder value and are used as an employee retention tool ...
To implement the changes to the PPP program contained in the recently enacted PPP Flexibility Act, Treasury has issued a new Interim Final Rule (IFR). It has also issued a revised forgiveness application form, worksheet and instructions, and a new expedited (EZ) forgiveness application form and instructions that can be used by certain borrowers. Links to those documents can be found below ...
What are trademark scams? Many scam artists attempt to solicit money from trademark owners by sending notices that appear to be authentic but are meant to mislead or fraudulently induce payment for unnecessary or nonexistent services. Unfortunately, because trademark filings are a matter of public record, many bad actors utilize the filing information to prey upon the owners by seeming legitimate. An example of a widely -known scam is shown below ...
The UAE has introduced Cabinet Resolution 31 of 2019 (as amended) (the Economic Substance Regulations) which apply to UAE onshore and free zone entities that undertake, and earn an income from, any of the Relevant Activities (listed below): Banking Business Insurance Business Investment Fund Management Business Shipping Business Holding Company Business Lease-Finance Business Distribution & Service Centre Business Headquarters Business Intellectual Property Business The Re
Analysis of the changes to the special legal rules onthe credit and financing moratorium. Through Decree-Law 26/2020 of 16 June (“DL 26/2020”), the Government has approved, a set of amendments to the special rules onthe moratorium on financing approved by Decree-Law 10-J/2020 of26March ...
Bogotá DC Mayor's Office is preparing a package of new measures for the city The Bogota City Hall has advanced a series of new measures in order to continue fighting the expansion of COVID-19. Particularly, the orange alert has been declared in the hospital system of Intensive Care Units, with which, the District Health Secretariat will give guidelines on patient care and will manage their referral to ICUs ...
“At a time when the flow of information is always expanding, this app is a smart alternative for users to stay informed about these topics without a flood of emails.”(Jean-Marc Ueberecken, Managing Partner). The CoVid-19 crisis as a trigger Arendt Insights is the only app dedicated to Covid-19 crisis management in Luxembourg. The first version of the app has been designed to give insight from Arendt experts, using the Covid-19 Solutions platform ...
The controversial issue of whether employers can check their employees' temperatures has been much debated. Both the Employment Ministry and the Data Protection Authority (DPA) have recently changed their positions in this respect ...
Although the data for San Francisco Bay Area remains encouraging for the first quarter of 2020*, given the economic instability brought by COVID-19, we might see more down rounds going forward. Down rounds are financings where the company is valued less than in a previous round. In practical terms this means that the new investors are buying shares of the company at a lesser price than the previous investors ...
This 11th edition of Unprecedented, our weekly update on COVID-19-related litigation, identifies news reports placing the number of COVID-19 filings at around 2,700, with insurance coverage disputes former the single largest category. And so unsurprisingly, one of the matters we report this week is the dispute over whether those insurance coverage disputes should be consolidated into multi-district litigation ...
SyCip Salazar Hernandez & Gatmaitan’s (SyCipLaw) publication about the general guidelines in doing business in the Philippines has been updated. It aims to showcase the Philippines as an attractive venue for business ventures, to guide the businessmen and lawyers alike in their business decision making, and to help investors restart the Philippine economy in connection with the lifting of certain COVID-19-related quarantine restrictions ...
In light of COVID-19 we review the steps a company’s board of directors may now take to adapt the process for approving year end accounts. Preparing and filing accounts are amongst the operational challenges facing companies as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Practical difficulties include physically preparing the accounts and conduct of the audit, as well as the accounts approval process and subsequent sign-off by directors ...
With COVID-19 taking its toll on some businesses, employees may find themselves placed at risk of redundancy. This article looks at the practical steps an employer should take when carrying out an individual redundancy consultation. Individual consultation is fundamental to the fairness of any dismissal for redundancy ...