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Afridi & Angell | November 2016

In an earlier inBrief dated 9 December 2014 we wrote about Federal Law No. 4/2012 on the regulation of competition (the “Competition Law”), which introduced the means by which the United Arab Emirates could regulate anti-competitive practices ...

ENS | November 2016

On 1 July 2016, the Commissioner for the South African Revenue Service (“SARS”) released a draft notice (“DraftNotice”) of the duty to keep records, books of account or documents in terms of section 29 of the Tax Administration Act, 2011 (“TAA”) ...

ENS | November 2016

  In a previous newsflash, we highlighted the significant changes made to the broad-based black economic empowerment (“B-BBEE”) landscape in South Africa that were introduced by the new B-BBEE Regulations (the “Regulations”) issued by the Department of Trade and Industry (the “DTI”) on 6 June 2016 ...

ENS | November 2016

Introduction In the context of trusts situated in foreign participating jurisdictions, the Common Reporting Standards (“CRS”) require the trustees to identify the settlor, beneficiaries and other natural persons exercising ultimate effective control (including through a chain of ownership) and report the necessary financial information in respect of those persons to the relevant foreign revenue authority ...

DFDL | November 2016

The 2017 Law on Financial Management has yet to be formally enacted in Cambodia however its content has already been disseminated among most tax professionals and the press so with that in mind we have put together what we believe are the salient points of the draft Law on Financial Management (“the Draft Law”) for your reference. The Draft Law has been rubber stamped by the Council of Ministers and when enacted the changes should take effect from 1 January 2017 ...

Effective November 1st, new guidelines came into effect for patent applications before the European Patent Office (“EPO”). One significant change affects what the EPO will accept as evidence of transfer of ownership of a patent application, an assignment ...

Afridi & Angell | November 2016

Overview The new Bankruptcy Law of the UAE was enacted on September 20, 2016 as Decree-Law No. 9 of 2016. It was published in the Federal Official Gazette on September 29, 2016, giving it an effective date of December 31, 2016. The new Bankruptcy Law replaces and repeals the previous legislation on the subject, Book 5 of the Commercial Code, which was seldom used in light of its perceived shortcomings ...

ALRUD Law Firm | November 2016

On October 18th the 8th Annual IBA “Mergers and Acquisitions in Russia and CIS” Conference was held at Ararat Park Hyatt hotel in Moscow. A conference was presented by the IBA Corporate and M&A Law Committee and supported by the IBA European Regional Forum. The Conference brought together experts in the field of economics and law from around the globe to discuss the latest emerging developments and hot topics in Russian and CIS M&A law ...

ENS | November 2016

In July 2016, the South African Department of Trade and Industry (the “DTI”) published, and invited public comment on, its Intellectual Property Consultative Framework (the “IPCF”). The IPCF reflects the DTI’s views on South Africa’s IP policy position in the form of a consultative instrument ...

ENS | November 2016

In the case of Claremont Library Development Company (Pty) Ltd v The Commissioner for the South African Revenue Service, the Tax Court recently considered the question of whether crediting a loan account constitutes “payment” of full consideration for purposes of the Value-Added Tax Act, No 89 of 1991 (the “VAT Act”) ...

ENS | November 2016

  Section 103(2) of the Income Tax Act, 58 of 1962 empowers the Commissioner (the “Commissioner”) for the South African Revenue Service (“SARS”) to disallow the setting off of an assessed loss or balance of an assessed loss against the company’s income if the relevant requirements are met ...

ENS | November 2016

  Offensive trade marks, which we have written about previously, have again been in the news of late. Two US trade mark cases have dominated the headlines, and one of these has made it all the way to the US Supreme Court. This certainly suggests that Americans feel strongly about the issue of offensive trade marks. As South Africans are likely to have equally strong feelings on the issue of names that might offend particular groups, these US cases are worth discussing ...

ALRUD Law Firm | November 2016

Maxim Alekseyev, ALRUD Senior Partner, and Kira Egorova, ALRUD Of Counsel, prepared an article for Trusts&Estates journal “Family Offices in Russia”. Trust&Estates is one of the most reputable journals for wealth management professionals serving the needs of high-net-worth clients and their families ...

O'Neal Webster | November 2016

This article considers why private trust companies are currently so popular, various structuring issues which those setting up private trust companies should take into consideration, and the private trust companies regulations which came into force in the British Virgin Islands (BVI) in August 2007 and which were amended in 2013. Introduction Private trust companies (PTCs) have become increasingly popular offshore in the last 20–25 years ...

ALRUD Law Firm | November 2016

On October 28 – November 1 German Zakharov, ALRUD Of Counsel, participated in 60th UIA Congress in Budapest. German Zakharov participated in the following sessions: "Competition Law" and "Compliance: Challenges and opportunities for the legal profession". The participants of the session were foremost antitrust lawyers ...

Karanovic & Partners | October 2016

The Serbian Minister of Finance issued the Rulebook on the Manner and Procedure of Delivering and the Content of the Tax Administration's Notification on Commencement or Finalization of Tax Audit ("Rulebook"). Under the Rulebook, the Tax Administration ("TA") will start to deliver notifications on initiated tax audits of the legal entities and entrepreneurs to the Business Registers Agency ("BRA"). Notifications will be delivered once a day ...

Recently, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) adopted a new set of voluntary standards, designated as ISO 37001, to assist organizations in their ongoing fight against bribery. As a result of recent increases in the enforcement of the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977 (FCPA) and, notwithstanding the guidance provided by the U.S. Department of Justice’s (DOJ) Resource Guide to the U.S ...

ALRUD Law Firm | October 2016

On October 25 Anton Dzhuplin, ALRUD Partner, participated in the Conference organized by the Russian National Committee of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC Russia) “Independent Guarantee: International Experience and Russian Practice”. Anton moderated one of the sessions ...

Heuking | October 2016

1. IntroductionSince 2004 the sale by mail-order of prescription-only pharmaceutical products is no longer prohibited in Germany, being the biggest potential market for pharmaceutical products within Europe and thus generally most attractive for pharmacy companies. However, the German pharmacies have been protected during the last decade by a national legislation providing for a fixed–price system for the supply of prescription-only pharmaceutical products ...

Shearn Delamore & Co. | October 2016

IN THIS ARTICLE, CHRISTOPHER TAY HANMIN BRIEFLY REVIEWS SOME OF THE OFFENCES UNDER THEGOODS AND SERVICES TAX ACT 2014("GST ACT").IntroductionOne of the most significant tax Acts to be introduced in the past 30 years is the GST Act which was gazetted on 19 June 2014 and has set 1 April 2015 as the effective date for the imposition of the Goods and Services Tax ("GST") ...

ENS | October 2016

Another day, another failed colour trade mark application. But there may be some lessons to be learned from a recent Australian decision. The quest to monopolise colour goes on, and we have written on this topic on several occasions. In the latest Australian case on colour trade marks, Frucor Beverages Limited, manufacturer of an energy drink called V, applied to register the colour green as a trade mark for its energy drinks ...

ENS | October 2016

A trade mark dispute about the name Iceland highlights the issue of trade marks in relation to geographic names. A dispute has arisen in Europe between Iceland the country and Iceland the brand – Iceland is a large UK-based supermarket chain. The supermarket chain has an EU trade mark registration for the name Iceland, a registration that it struggled long and hard to get, overcoming multiple oppositions along the way ...

ENS | October 2016

It has always been the practice of the Industrial Property Institute (“IPI”) of Mozambique to prohibit the refiling of trade marks that have been finally refused, which has posed a serious obstacle to trade mark applicants who wish to refile their applications in Mozambique for strategic reasons. Refiling provides the applicant with an opportunity to consider the options available to overcome obstacles posed by earlier trade marks, or refusals based on distinctiveness ...

Karanovic & Partners | October 2016

Karanovic & Nikolic is pleased to announce its involvement in advising R&R Ice Cream, a leading ice cream company based in the UK, on Serbian law matters relating to its 50/50 joint venture with Nestlé, the world’s leading nutrition, health and wellness company. The advising team consisted ofSrdjan DabeticandStefan Antonicfrom Karanovic & Nikolic’s Belgrade office ...

DFDL | October 2016

By way of -providing guidelines for implementing the Tax Law No.106/2016/QH13 (Law 106) effective from 1 July 2016, the government has issued Decree 100/2016/ND-CP (Decree 100) on 1 July 2016 and the Ministry of Finance has issued Official Letter 10315/BTC-TCT dated 25 July 2016 (OL 10315) and Circular 130/2016/TT-BTC dated 12 August 2016 (Circular 130) ...
