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Beccar Varela | May 2020

  On April 29, 2020, the Agency for Access to Public Information (the “AAIP”, by its Spanish acronym) issued a statement through its website informing how personal data should be processed in the use of geolocation tools, especially in the context of the health emergency due to the COVID-19. In this connection, the AAIP communicates that the Personal Data Protection Law No ...

Brigard Urrutia | April 2020

The Ministry of Health and Social Protection issued Resolutions 677, 679 and 681 adopting the biosecurity protocols for the control and management of COVID-19 risk in the transportation, transportation infrastructure and games of luck and chance sectors. These protocols are complementary to the general biosecurity protocol adopted through Resolution 666 of 2020 and to other measures implemented by corresponding companies ...

Gianni & Origoni | April 2020

As the contagion rate and death toll caused by the Covid-19 emergency (“Covid-19”) continues to decrease, on 26 April 2020 the Prime Minister announced in a press conference the measures adopted to ease the lockdown during the so-called “phase 2”. The new measures are reflected in the Prime Minister Decree dated 26 April 20201 (the “26 April 2020 Decree”) ...

PLMJ | April 2020

INFARMED and the DGS have published a set of guidelines for manufacturers and wholesale distributors of medicinal products for human use. The aim of these guidelines is to ensure supply to the domestic market and, at the same time, to prevent the spread of Covid-19 and protect the employees of these operators ...

Makarim & Taira S. | April 2020

The Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment (“Cape Town Convention”) and Protocol to the Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment on Matters Specific to Aircraft Equipment (“Protocol”) were concluded in Cape Town on 16 November 2001, and entered into force on 1 March 2006. They are to be read and interpreted as one instrument ...

ENSafrica | April 2020

employment Update to C19 TERS and tax treatment of C19 TERS benefit Lauren Salt (ENSafrica Employment) and Arnaaz Camay (ENSafrica Tax) summarise the latest amendments to the COVID-19 Temporary Relief Scheme (“C19 TERS”), 2020 directive. They also consider the tax implications of C19 TERS benefits. Clickhereto read the full article ...

ENSafrica | April 2020

The UK’s highest court recently ruled that Morrisons, a supermarket group, was not vicariously liable for the criminal act of an employee with a grudge who leaked the payroll data of about 100 000 members of staff. Many companies sighed in relief on hearing that the Supreme Court of Appeal did not hold Morrisons vicariously liable ...

Since the coronavirus pandemic began, the volume of counterfeit goods produced by Chinese manufacturers appears to be on the rise again. While counterfeit goods have been a challenge that online retailers have been fighting for years, the risk has become greater in the COVID-19 era when more consumers are turning to online shopping. Counterfeit goods result in lost revenue and reputational harm to retailers ...

Since the coronavirus pandemic began, the volume of counterfeit goods produced by Chinese manufacturers appears to be on the rise again. While counterfeit goods have been a challenge that online retailers have been fighting for years, the risk has become greater in the COVID-19 era when more consumers are turning to online shopping. Counterfeit goods result in lost revenue and reputational harm to retailers ...

ENSafrica | April 2020

If you have been keeping a close eye on the ongoing discussions relating to Brexit, you will recall our earlier ENSight where we reported that the United Kingdom Intellectual Property Office (“UKIPO”) provided some clarity on how European Union (“EU”) trade mark registrations will be treated on Brexit ...

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic crisis—infecting more than 2.7 million people worldwide, with almost 870,000 cases in the United States alone as of the writing of this article—has thrown nearly every industry into chaos as the world struggles to adjust to the new reality of social distancing and self-quarantining ...

Brigard Urrutia | April 2020

The Government issued new regulations setting the guidelines and adopting the biosecurity protocol for the operation of the manufacturing industry The Ministry of Work issued Resolution 675 adopting the biosecurity protocol for the management and control of COVID-19 risk in the manufacturing industry. This protocol is complementary to the protocol adopted through Resolution 666 of 2020 and to other measures adopted in each factory ...

Mamo TCV Advocates | April 2020

It is evident that the current lockdown is having an unprecedented slowdown in the movement of persons between EU Member States. This is not due to a restriction which was imposed by the EU itself but because of the restrictions which the Member States themselves imposed through their respective Public Health officials. It is noticeable that the legal restrictions on immigration were driven by the Member States' individual rules rather than by a general guideline from the EU ...

Brigard Urrutia | April 2020

The Superintendence of Industry and Commerce (SIC) issued an administrative order, through Resolution 19012 of 2020, to providers of telecommunications networks and services providers (TNSP) to safeguard the rights of its users. We highlight the following measures: For mobile phone and internet operators: inform users of postpaid and prepaid services of their rights during the state of emergency and the rules that apply to the suspension of service for non-payment on time ...

The Philippine Government has issued a slew of resolutions and circulars as part of its response to the COVID 19 pandemic and unsurprisingly, a number of legal and practical issues have beset businesses and persons under the Luzon-wide enhanced community quarantine (ECQ)1. Like the rest of the world, the country is bracing itself for a new normal – in the way enterprises are run, services are rendered, everyday tasks are undertaken ...

Lawson Lundell LLP | April 2020

On April 21, 2020, the Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General of British Columbia issued a Ministerial Order (the “Order”) permitting electronic attendance at meetings (collectively referred to as “Corporate Meetings”) held pursuant to the Business Corporations Act, the Cooperative Association Act and the Societies Act (collectively, the “Statutes”) ...

Deacons | April 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in many employees working from home, and brought about a need for a more collaborate meeting culture in place of physical meeting and travelling. Online meetings using video conferencing systems empower businesses to stay connected with their clients, and interact and collaborate with their employees working remotely via the Internet ...

The digital signature in Bolivia was created by the General Law on Telecommunications, Information and Communication Technologies No. 164, published on August 8, 2011, granting full legal and evidentiary validity to the legal act or business carried out using this technological tool. Supreme Decree No ...

Cryptocurrency, blockchain technology and fintech companies are well experienced in dealing with legal and regulatory issues that are unique, unprecedented and global. While usually creative and oriented to solving problems, even the most flexible of teams are stretched with the onslaught of issues unfolding in the wake of COVID-19 ...

In an earlier post, we started discussing the IRS’ “John Doe” summons to Coinbase, a virtual currency exchange, to obtain information about every Coinbase user, who, at any time during the period of January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2015, conducted transactions in a convertible virtual currency as defined in IRS Notice 2014-21. One such user filed a motion to intervene in the proceeding and to quash the IRS’ summons ...

Florida legislature passes bill to add virtual currencies to money laundering statute in response to last year’s court ruling that bitcoin can’t be the basis for money laundering charges Last year, a Miami judge dismissed criminal charges against a Florida-based bitcoin seller who had been caught in a sting in which undercover law enforcement officers engaged him to convert cash into bitcoin. They told him they intended to use the bitcoin to buy stolen credit card numbers ...

If you spend any time reading about the virtual currency space, you’ve picked up that blockchain technology is creeping into hundreds of industries and countries worldwide as more and more people create ways to use the public electronic ledger to better our lives in the not-too-distant future. Money transfers, trade settlements, property and health records, and just about any other part of the human endeavor are being tweaked, changed, and disrupted by this new technology ...
