Global Competition Review (GCR) publishedThe European, Middle Eastern and African Antitrust Review 2019. The “Israel Overview” chapter was written by FBC’s Tal Eyal-Boger, Ziv Schwartz and Shani Brown ...
The Ministry of Energy published the General Administrative Rules on Social Impact Assessment of Projects in the Energy Sector (“Rules”). The Rules set forth requirements for drafting and filing an Assessment report, as well as the procedure for the issuance of a Resolution and Recommendations. After a 3-year public consultation process, on June 1st, 2018, the Rules were finally published on the Official Gazette of the Federation, entering into force on June 2nd ...
A gap in legal provisions might mean criminal liability for management board members for not filing financial statements on time. Amendments enacted earlier this year to the National Court Register Act have already caused some confusion and alot of trouble for companies whose management boards solely comprise foreigners ...
I COMMERCIAL OVERVIEW OF THE SHIPPING INDUSTRY With Ireland having the European Union’s third-largest ocean area, the Irish government plans to double the state’s ocean wealth by 2030 and, in the interim, make Ireland an attractive location for international shipping activities. The changes brought about by Brexit may help to enhance Ireland’s position further in the maritime sphere ...
The European Court of Justice (CJEU) has ruled that Christian Louboutin’s famous red sole does not consist solely of ashape that significantly increases the value of aproduct, and therefore can be registered as atrademark. This is an important victory for the fashion designer in the long-running battle concerning red-soled shoes ...
Earlier this year, the European Court of Justice ("CJEU") has thrown out an appeal by Nestlé, which argued that it owns the shape of its famous treat KitKat. Nestlé, the world's largest food and beverage company, has spent more than a decade fighting to trademark the four-fingered wafer shape. However, EJC's most recent ruling could bring an end to the snack's protected European status ...
The Croatian Parliament adopted the new Capital Markets Act in order to align the Croatian legislation with the EU acquis. The act adjusts the Croatian legislation with the cornerstone of EU's financial markets regulation - the Directive on Markets in Financial Instruments repealing Directive 2004/39/EC and the Regulation on Markets in Financial Instruments, commonly referred to as MiFID II and MiFIR ...
The 10thedition of the Forum (14th– 15thJune, Park Hyatt), titled The Future of Law: Technology and Legal Services in South East Europe: 2018-2028, was held with great interest among over 150 delegates and speakers from 30 countries from five continents including, beside the European countries, Jamaica, USA, Singapore and Australia. Borislav Boyanov, Managing Partner of BOYANOV & Co ...
The beginning of the summer brought amendments to several employment-related laws. The most notable changes are presented below: The Law on the Employment of Foreigners The duration of the labour market test– The labour market test within the work-permit acquisition process (through which the National Employment Service examines whether there are any Serbian citizens suitable for the vacant position), is shortened to 10 days, having previously lasted one month ...
The Israeli Parliament (the Knesset) recently approved (on July 18, 2018), an amendment to the Israeli Restrictive Trade Practices Law, 5748-1988 (the “Law“) regarding parallel importing (the Restrictive Trade Practices Law (Amendment 20 – Temporary Order), 5778-2018) (the “Amendment“) ...
The Danish government has now published its life science growth plan, which aims at making Denmark a leading life science nation in Europe. The growth plan is based on the recommendations submitted by the Growth Team for Life Science. Plesner has previously reported on the topic.1 The growth plan contains 36 initiatives in 6 key areas. One of the many initiatives is a pilot scheme for risk sharing in the drug reimbursement system ...
The drastic changes in the media landscape made over the past years continue to rock the traditional TV sector. Family TV is being replaced rapidly by content online, on demand and on different mobile devices. The global internet video share by consumers is expected to increase from 64% in 2014 to 80% by 2019 (according to Cisco Visual Networking Index: Forecast and Methodology, 2016–2021) ...
Much has been written about hotel management contracts, their legal nature and their place within the different contractual arrangements available under Spanish law. Nevertheless, in our professional lives we too often encounter contracts that include clauses or use descriptions or definitions that collide head-on with how those contracts should actually be framed ...
The Court of Justice of the European Union (CoJ) handed down an important judgment last week on the protection of geographical indications of spirit drinks in a preliminary ruling under Article 267 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (Scotch Whisky Association (SWA) v Michael Klotz (Case C-44/17)). Facts: Mr Klotz markets a whisky under the designation ‘Glen Buchenbach’, which is produced by a distillery located in Berglen in the Buchenbach valley in Germany ...
In a recent judgement the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) concluded that an administrator of a Facebook fan page has independent obligations under European data protection law, and will be considered joint controller with Facebook for some processing activities ...
The question of 'employment status', continues to concern many employers working within today's 'gig economy'. The UK Supreme Court recently provided guidance on the correct "label" to be bestowed on 'gig economy' workers. Pimlico Plumbers recently lost an appeal in the UK Courts against a finding that one of its plumbers was a "worker" for the purposes of relevant UK employment legislation – not a self-employed independent contractor ...
The European Court of Justice ("ECJ") recently came with important clarifications regarding the implementation of mergers before merger clearance, so called "gun jumping." The topic often arises in merger cases where the parties have "signed the deal" but are awaiting clearance by the relevant competition authority. What can be done by the parties before closing post signing, and what cannot be done prior to implementation? The judgment in case C-633/16 Ernst & Young P/S v ...
Since 2013, the demand for aircraft ABS (asset-backed securitisation) transactions has gone from strength to strength. Last year saw a record number (14) of ABS deals close and 2018 is on course to at least match that number. For many aircraft lessors, access to the capital markets is a crucial component of their capital structure ...
After a sustained legislative marketing activity that started earlier this year, Government Emergency Ordinance 45/2018 amending and supplementing certain regulatory acts with impact on public procurement was published in the Official Gazette no. 459 ...
How to strike the right balance between (i) the business need to take preparatory steps in view of integrating the target in M&A deals and (ii) the legal requirement to comply with the standstill obligation under merger control rules? ...
The Serbian Parliament adopted amendments to the Serbian Company Law (Law), and they were published in the official journal on the same date. This is the first overhaul of the Serbian Company Law since it was enacted back in 2011. Most of the amendments relate to the introduction of the concepts required for Serbia's accession to the EU (such as cross-border merger and European company forms) ...
Earlier this year the Danish parliament adopted a new Act to establish a national genome center that will develop and run a nationwide information infrastructure for personalised medicines. The National Genome Center will provide a common infrastructure with capacity for genome sequencing and a national genome data base. Persons within the healthcare sector and patients will receive information on the use of patient treatment ...
In 1527, two inhabitants of the Royal Burgh of Haddington lent 1800 merks to the Abbey of Melrose, to be repaid by the Abbey to their bankers, in what is understood to be the first recorded reference to bankers in Scotland. Fast-forward almost 500 years to the present day and modern banking would be unrecognisable to the burgesses of Haddington ...