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Carey | July 2023

On June 15, 2023, Law No. 21,577 (hereinafter, the "New Law") was enacted, which strengthens the prosecution of organized crime offenses, establishes special techniques for their investigation, and reinforces the confiscation of profits. The New Law modernizes the current criminal offenses related to organized crime and, at the same time, incorporates and improves the specialized techniques of investigation ...

Carey | April 2022

On April 12, 2022, Law No. 21,440 was published in the Official Gazette, which modifies Law Decree No. 3,063 (Municipal Income Law), creating a new regime applicable to donations in favor of non-profit legal entities, which contemplates certain tax benefits. This new regime will be complementary to those contained in special regulations regarding donations ...

Carey | August 2021

On August 18 th , 2021, Law No. 21,362 (the “ Law ”) was published in the Official Gazette. The Law introduces several modifications to different other laws in connection with the labeling, advertisement, and sales of gluten free foodstuff products. Firstly, the Law modifies Law No. 20,606, commonly known as Labeling Law ...

Carey | May 2016

Today, Wednesday, June 1st, the Framework Law for the Management of Waste, Extended Liability of the Producer and Promotion of Recycling No. 20,920 (the “Law”) was published.PurposeThe Law seeks to reduce the generation of waste and encourage its reuse, recycling and other types of recovery ...

Carey | May 2016

Today, Wednesday, June 1st, the Framework Law for the Management of Waste, Extended Liability of the Producer and Promotion of Recycling No. 20,920 (the “Law”) was published.PurposeThe Law seeks to reduce the generation of waste and encourage its reuse, recycling and other types of recovery ...

Carey | June 2015

On June 6th, 2015, Law No. 20,850, which creates the Financial Protection System for Diagnostics and Treatment of High Costs, and pays posthumous tribute to Luis Ricarte Soto Gallegos, has been published. This law creates a financial protection system for diagnostics and high cost treatments which will be defined by the Ministry of Health by means of a Supreme Decree ...

Brigard Urrutia | March 2020

For the aviation industry, the Ministry of Transport has adopted the following measures: •  To expedite the return of balances in favor of airlines that have been claimed before the tax authority. •  To lay off, at the maximum level permitted by law, the air traffic controllers, firefighters, and aviation technical staff ...

Carey | May 2020

I. Update of sanitary measures published this week in the Official Gazette On Wednesday, May 13, Resolution No. 341 of the Ministry of Health was published, which provides for a series of sanitary measures, among which the following stand out, since they modify measures that have been implemented to date: Any concentration of more than 50 people in a certain place, regardless of its nature, or whether it takes place in open or closed spaces, is forbidden ...

Brigard Urrutia | June 2020

The Circular 100-000010 of May 26, 2020 states the following deadlines: Deadlines for submission of financial statements at 31 December 2019 Last two digits of the NIT Maximum deadline for sending information in the year 2020 Last two digits of the NIT Maximum deadline for sending information in the year 2020 01-06  Wednesday 3, June   54- 59  Wednesday 17, June 07-12 Thursday 4, June

Bustamante Fabara | March 2016

In the Official Gazzette 720 of March 28th, 2016 was published the Development of Youth Work, Exceptional Regulation to the Working Time and Unemployment Insurance Organic Act (Ley Orgánica para la Promoción del Trabajo Juvenil, Regulacion Excepcional de la Jornada de Trabajo, Cesantia y Seguro de Desempleo).This brand-new Act modifies the following laws:Labor CodeCreates the new labor figure of Youth Work, which can be sign with persons between 18 to 26 years old ...

Veirano Advogados | January 2019

The Federal Council of Pharmacy published Resolution No. 658/2018 to regulate publicity, advertisement and announcement of activities related to the pharmaceutical profession. Such include any disclosure arising or promoted by pharmacists, regardless of the means of communication ...

Beccar Varela | July 2017

The purpose of this article is to highlight the principal changes to the rules and procedures governing national public procurements in Argentina, introduced by Decree 1030/2016. The new Regulation does not introduce substantial changes to its predecessor, although it does include some relevant modifications.   Introduction In September 2016, the government of Argentina modified some of the rules and procedures governing national public procurement ...

Carey | September 2019

The Ministry of Health has published a new public consultation process regarding proposed modifications to the Preliminary Titles; II "Food"; XXVII "Of Alcoholic Beverages, Fruit and Vegetable Juices and Bottled Waters"; and XXIX “Of the Food Supplements and Foods for Athletes” of Decree No. 977/1997 that establishes the Sanitary Regulations for Foods (hereinafter, “ RSA ”) ...

Carey | July 2021

With the purpose of promoting the development of clean energies, the Government is preparing new public tenders of State-owned land, to award lots in 20 different properties (see summary table at the end). This offering is significant because more than 40% of the installed capacity in renewable energy generation is on State-owned land. Currently, there are 200 executed contracts for about 80,000 hectares of land for this type of project ...

Carey | January 2016

Decree N° 50/2015, issued by the Ministry of Public Works, has been enacted. This act approves the Regulation that sets the technical conditions to be fulfilled during the design, construction and operation stages of hydraulic works, as defined in Article 294 of the Water Code.Through this Decree, the Ministry of Public Works has set the text for the Regulation of Large Public Hydraulic Works, which had been pending enactment since 1981 ...

Carey | May 2016

On March 1st, 2016, Supreme Decree N° 62 of the Ministry of Economy, introduced in 2006 (hereinafter, the “Decree 62”), that regulates capacity transfers among power generation companies entered into force, modifying the methodology used to calculate transfers.IntroductionThe Chilean electric system remunerates power generation companies for two products: energy and capacity ...

Carey | November 2012

A new Regulation on Corporations has recently entered into force in Chile (the “New Regulation”). It aims essentially to complement the provisions of the Law on Corporations, updating the rules established in the prior Regulation on Corporations, clarifying or specifying certain articles that raised questions, adjusting the applicable provisions to the latest legal amendments and making certain practical aspects easier ...

Carey | February 2021

On February 9, 2021, Supreme Decree No. 57/2019 of the Ministry of Health, which approves the Regulation on Classification, Labeling and Notification of Hazardous Chemical Substances and Mixtures (the "Regulation"), was published in the Official Gazette ...

Carey | March 2021

On March 16, 2021, Decree No. 64 / 2020 of the Ministry of Economy, Development and Tourism, was published in the Official Gazette, approving the Regulation that establishes conditions for the treatment and final disposal of wastes from aquaculture activities (the "Regulation") ...

Veirano Advogados | May 2017

This article discusses new regulation introducing some novelties which in essence incorporate many comments coming from the industry. Some modifications to the legal framework provided for the previous regulation address the following: D&O Insurance; Side B. Coverage; Defense Costs; Individuals as Policyholders; Nominated Risks; Penalties; Environmental Risks.: and Side C. The Official Gazette published a new regulation enacted by SUSEP governing D&O insurance. Circular No ...

Carey | June 2015

The amendments to Chapter III.J.3 of the Compendium of Financial Regulations of the Central Bank introduced a new regulation on prepaid cards (Payment Cards with the Provision of Funds), which seeks to achieve greater financial inclusion by strengthening and promoting this payment method, which has not yet achieved the expected market penetration. The first draft of this regulation is from June of last year, which received many comments from both banks and regulators ...

Carey | November 2023

The Ministry of Economy published the new proposed Regulation on Price Information per Unit of Measurement of Products (Decree No. 229 of 2002), which seeks to improve the transparency and quality of the information provided to consumers regarding the prices of products both in physical stores and online, so that they can make informed purchasing decisions and promote fair competition in the market ...

Bustamante Fabara | July 2017

The Interinstitutional Committee for PPP has enacted new regulations for submission of PPPs Projects for its analysis and approval. This new regulation contains the minimum requirements and guidelines that a PPP Project must fulfill to obtain the prior authorization of the Interinstitutional Committee for PPP, before the public entity initiates the bidding process ...

Carey | October 2021

Due to the non-renewal of the constitutional state of exception of catastrophe, the health authority modified the Covid-19 regulations. The main changes are mentioned below: A. STEP-BY-STEP PLAN MODIFICATION On October 1st 2021, Exempt Resolution No. 994 was published in the Official Gazette, which regulates and establishes a new version of the “Step-by-Step Plan” ...

Brigard Urrutia | April 2020

National Commission of Agricultural Credit issues resolutions, by which the capacity of the FAG and the validity of guarantees are modified. The National Commission for Agricultural Credit issued Resolution No ...
