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Shoosmiths LLP | November 2021

In association with Macmillan Davies and led by Employment Partner, Emma Morgan and Associate, Lauren Bholé, this webinar focused on the menopause in the workplace. With World Menopause Day having just passed (18 October 2021) and a parliamentary debate on the menopause having entered the House of Commons in September 2021, the menopause has been a focal point for media coverage ...

Shoosmiths LLP | October 2023

It’s the final countdown, with only one year to go before EU member states must transpose the EU’s new Network and Information Security 2 Directive (“NIS 2”) into national law. Key Dates EU Member States have until 17 October 2024 to transpose NIS 2 into national law and those national laws will apply to organisations as early as 18 October 2024. Enforcement is likely to start from 17 January 2025, in line with parallel legislation affecting financial services ...

Shoosmiths LLP | January 2011

In the second of a two-part look at issues arising out of the tender process we consider what can happen when that process is poorly run. Part 1 of the series can be found at IT tendering: Leveraging the benefits. A typical tender process involves the customer analysing and documenting its requirements in a Request for Proposals (RFP) to which interested suppliers will prepare a response ...

Shoosmiths LLP | February 2009

While they are an integral part of most businesses - often with a primary function of delivering cost savings and efficiencies - they must be kept up-to-date to ensure they achieve those aims. So now is a good time to undertake an IT systems review, and look at consolidation and streamlining. Changes to business structures, acquisitions and a system's age are other triggers for an IT stock take ...

Shoosmiths LLP | February 2010

The verdict has finally arrived in the long-running IT dispute between EDS and BSkyB, for which the trial ended over a year ago. With legal fees of around £70m and an anticipated damages award of £200m (against a contract reportedly worth only £48m), the case will change the landscape of supplying IT products and services forever.  EDS supplied a customer relationship management system to BSkyB ...

Shoosmiths LLP | September 2010

IT projects: It’s a team game 28 September 2010 IT projects have a knack of over-running for significant periods, requiring ‘out-of-scope’ changes half way through, and consequently going over budget. Although any project will develop and evolve over time, such problems can be minimised through sensible project management methods. It is not uncommon for IT projects to last several months, if not years, from conception to completion ...

Shoosmiths LLP | March 2013

The collapse of systems integrator and reseller 2e2 in January has highlighted the danger for clients of companies such as 2e2, and focuses attention on how to deal with this type of situation. At a recent Shoosmiths event, data, IT and banking lawyers shared practical experience of the risks and potential remedies associated with insolvency of IT suppliers ...

Shoosmiths LLP | April 2010

Website owners have had a legal duty to make their websites accessible to the disabled for more than a decade. With the new Equality Act 2010 reinforcing those duties later this year, now is a good time for website owners to remind themselves of their duties and prepare for the new Act ...

Shoosmiths LLP | March 2023

The UK Budget announcement on 15 March 2023 is foreseen to include the creation of 12 low tax zones. It is understood these will work in tandem with the 10 freeports the creation of which has already been announced (further free ports are foreseen to be created). Low tax zones and free ports are examples of special economic zones (SEZ). A business that establishes in a SEZ receives benefits, such as lower taxes, subsidies, government resources, pre-built relevant infrastructure et al ...

Shoosmiths LLP | June 2024

Whilst the impact of the upcoming general election remains to be seen, the Government has recently proposed scrapping the Commercial Agents Regulations for new agency arrangements. Background The Commercial Agents (Council Directive) Regulations 1993 (CAR) implement the Commercial Agents Directive (86/653/EEC) (Directive) ...

Shoosmiths LLP | January 2023

In recent months we have seen a significant rise in industrial action across multiple sectors, including public transport; postal workers; nursing and ambulance staff; university employees; Border Force staff and civil servants.  Strikes look set to continue into 2023; the British Medical Association is currently balloting junior doctors on potential strike action for March 2023 and disruption is also likely to hit schools in Scotland as teacher strikes are planned for January 2023 ...

Shoosmiths LLP | June 2007

There is currently a war being waged between publishers and celebrities both relying on conflicting aspects of the European Convention of Human Rights (ECHR). The Two SidesThere is currently a war being waged between publishers and celebrities both relying on conflicting aspects of the European Convention of Human Rights (ECHR) ...

Shoosmiths LLP | January 2022

This question was considered by the Employment Tribunal in the recent case of X v Y. In a decision that will be welcomed by employers, the tribunal held that such a fear is not a protected belief under the Equality Act 2010. The facts of the case The claimant brought proceedings against her employer for discrimination after she chose not to return to work in July 2021 with the result that her employer had stopped paying her ...

Shoosmiths LLP | January 2021

If parents cannot agree whether their children should be vaccinated, they can make an application under Section 8 of the Children Act 1989 to ask a judge to determine the issue. In M v H (Private Law Vaccination) [2020],  the mother objected to the parties' two children aged six-years-old and four-years-old  being given routine childhood vaccines in accordance with the NHS vaccination schedule ...

Shoosmiths LLP | June 2023

A recent Financial Times newspaper article raises the question whether the mandate underlying the UK's competition authority (the CMA) should be reviewed.  The argument is based on the CMA's blocking of the Microsoft/Activision merger, compared to the EU's conditional consent decision. The CMA's decision is being appealed by the merger parties ...

Shoosmiths LLP | August 2021

A recent case reminds us of the continuing reality that women, because of their childcare responsibilities, are less likely to be able to accommodate certain working patterns than men and that failing to take this into account could be discriminatory. The case of Dobson v North Cumbria Integrated Care NHS Foundation Trust involved a claim of indirect sex discrimination ...

Shoosmiths LLP | June 2021

Shoosmiths latest SAMBA aviation webinar on 20 May attracted around 50 delegates to listen to our panel guests share their views on how recent events, including COVID, Brexit and climate change, have shaped the aviation sector today and how they might influence its future. Hosted by Elliot Bishop (Head of Shoosmiths Luxury Asset Group) and Sarah Fairweather (Joint Head of Marine and Aviation) ...

Shoosmiths LLP | March 2023

With the cost of living continually rising, more and more workers are looking at how they can generate extra income. It appears that Gen Z (those born from 1997 onwards) workers are one of the majority generations pursuing a side hustle alongside their full time job. But is the extra work being carried out by these workers due to necessity? Commentary suggests that young workers want a fulfilling career and they do not feel like they are able to achieve that with just one job ...

Shoosmiths LLP | October 2013

Player power, loyalty and respect of contracts has increasingly made media headlines, demonstrated predominantly this summer with Luis Suarez of Liverpool FC and Manchester United's Wayne Rooney.  As widely reported, Arsenal FC made an infamous bid of £40,000,001.00 to Liverpool for the transfer of the registration of Suarez to Arsenal ...

Shoosmiths LLP | October 2021

With COP26 now upon us, all eyes are on Glasgow! As we continue to explore the various routes to net zero, there is no doubt that the Scottish Government's recently published "Heat in Buildings Strategy" will have a key play to role to play. Never in recent history has there been so much focus on how we use space that was once the reserve of our personal and family lives for working…but also on how our homes work for us ...

Shoosmiths LLP | April 2021

The 95% home loan is back and this time it is government backed. The commitment by the Chancellor to propping up the housing market was cemented in the March 2021 budget by the announcement of an extension and tapering off of the Stamp Duty Land Tax (SDLT) holiday and the new 95% mortgage guarantee scheme. This allows banks and building societies to offer loans to borrowers who only have a 5% deposit ...

Shoosmiths LLP | February 2023

Green tech presents a growth area and one in which the UK could flourish, but to do so requires capital investment and a clear strategy alongside developing the necessary skillset of the UK workforce. So how realistic is this in the current climate? Experience to date would suggest that the UK is lagging behind other countries in this sector and that unless more is done, we will miss out on the opportunity green tech offers ...

Shoosmiths LLP | March 2010

The European Court of Justice (ECJ) has today given its decision on the question of whether or not Google AdWords are a trade mark infringement. This case had the potential to change dramatically the way we viewed the question of what constitutes ‘trade mark use’ and therefore ‘infringement’ ...

Shoosmiths LLP | January 2021

Lockdown 3.0 is upon us and once again schools are closed and working parents find themselves having to balance childcare and home-schooling whilst trying to manage their own work and responsibilities. For those who cannot reasonably work from home, or who may struggle with having to provide childcare at the same time as meeting the demands of their role, employers are able to consider offering furlough leave as an option ...

Shoosmiths LLP | April 2009

Software is part of the day-to-day fabric for most companies. And almost everyone who uses it does so with little or no thought about what happens should it fail, or if it is no longer available. However, the prudent software buyer will consider how to protect against failure of critical or bespoke software, which is where escrow may come in. Be warned, though ...
