
Legal Services | Belgium
tel: +32 2 426 14 14 | fax: +32 2 426 20 30
Havenlaan 86C box 414 Avenue du Port | Brussels | 1000 | Belgium

Main Contacts

Lieven Peeters


Gerd D. Goyvaerts

Tax Partner

Bernard Peeters

Tax Partner


Brussels, Belgium


Tiberghien is an independent law firm specialized in all fields of taxation. ALTIUS is a full-service independent law firm. In order to maximize our potential, top lawyers of Tiberghien and ALTIUS can share their views.

We provide a broad range of legal services to multinational companies and financial institutions in various industry sectors on international and Belgian transactions, as well as acting as the day-to-day counsel for Belgian companies and Belgian subsidiaries of many multinationals.

At ALTIUS/Tiberghien, we believe that it is important to fully understand the nature of each client's business, the markets in which it operates as well as comprehending the real business issues that under pin the matters we work on. Our large private client base and High Net Worth Individuals rely on our tailor made advice.

We aim to grasp the commercial considerations that underlie the transactions and the problems our clients bring to us. It is our objective to build long term relationships with our clients, with a clear emphasis on providing our services in a timely and cost efficient manner.

The lawyers in the firm aim to be positive and constructive. This enables a close working relationship between client and lawyer, resulting in clear, workable advice. We can react rapidly and adjust to changing business situations.

Year this Office was Established: 1939
Lawyers Worldwide: 200
Languages: English, Dutch, French, German and Spanish


Areas of Practice


Of Counsel

Bruno  Peeters

Bruno Peeters

Tax Of Counsel


Senior/Managing Associate

Amandine  Baltus

Amandine Baltus

Tax Senior Associate
Maryll  Callari

Maryll Callari

Tax Senior Associate
Elke  De Leeuw

Elke De Leeuw

Tax Senior Associate
Elisabeth  De Nolf

Elisabeth De Nolf

Tax Counsel
Kimberley  De Plucker

Kimberley De Plucker

Tax Senior Associate
Stephanie  Gabriel

Stephanie Gabriel

Tax Senior Associate
Loulou  Geboers

Loulou Geboers

Tax Senior Associate
Maxime  Grosjean

Maxime Grosjean

Tax Senior Associate
Mitchell  Hoefman

Mitchell Hoefman

Senior Tax Associate
Nathalie  Lauwens

Nathalie Lauwens

Tax Senior Associate
Eleonore  Maertens de Noordhout

Eleonore Maertens de Noordhout

Tax Senior Associate
Gauthier  Mary

Gauthier Mary

Tax Senior Associate
Cedric  Paulus

Cedric Paulus

Tax Senior Associate
Rik  Smet

Rik Smet

Tax Senior Associate
Mathieu  Taverne

Mathieu Taverne

Tax Senior Associate
Lauranne  Truyers

Lauranne Truyers

Senior/Managing Associate
Katrien  Van Boxstael

Katrien Van Boxstael

Tax Senior Associate
Gilles  Van Namen

Gilles Van Namen

Tax Counsel
Ellen  Vandingenen

Ellen Vandingenen

Tax Senior Associate
Jessica  Vanhove

Jessica Vanhove

Tax Senior Associate
Carolyn  Vanthienen

Carolyn Vanthienen

Senior/Managing Associate
Matthias  Vekeman

Matthias Vekeman

Senior/Managing Associate
Hanne  Verlinden

Hanne Verlinden

Senior/Managing Associate
Gert  Vranckx

Gert Vranckx

Tax Counsel


Contractor chains in the construction sector: significant limitations for subcontractors from 1 January 2025

Although subcontractors can bring a wealth of specialisation and expertise into technical construction projects, contractor chains are also often associated with social dumping and the exploitation of workers. Complex and lengthy contractor chains are sometimes artificially created to make non-genuine posting set-ups less visible. Inspired by similar initiatives in other European countries and to curb abuses, the Belgian legislator is introducing significant limitations in vertical contractor chains in the construction sector from 1 January 2025.[1] 1. What does the new law say? Under the new legal provision

Can employees who have not yet started their outplacement take a full day of job search leave starting from week one of their notice period?

An employee who is dismissed with a notice period or who performs a notice period after resigning is entitled to so-called “job search leave” (“sollicitatieverlof – congé pour la recherche d’un nouvel emploi”), which is the right to be away from work with pay to look for a new job...

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ALTIUS is proud to announce that Sylvie Dubois has been made managing partner

We are delighted to announce that Sylvie Dubois has become ALTIUS’ new managing partner, in April 2016. Sylvie succeeds Carine Van Regenmortel, who continues as the firm’s head of corporate. As head of employment, Sylvie has spent more than 25 years meeting the needs of both her local and global clients. “I am privileged to be with ALTIUS; for the opportunities I continue to be offered and the inspiring people I work with. ALTIUS is part of who I am. In my new role, I look forward to enriching our client relations, and to focusing on strategic development opportunities...

Experience the new ALTIUS

We are proud to announce a turning point in the history of ALTIUS. Along with the appointment of Sylvie Dubois as managing partner, ALTIUS unveils a brand new look and website. Our rebranding is a statement that reflects our collective drive for excellence and innovation in servicing our clients’ needs. Our new logo and colours show our optimism, dynamism and enthusiasm in facing the challenges of the future. Enjoy this experience by visiting www.altius...

VIEW ALL ALTIUS/Tiberghien Press