What can employers say in a job advertisement? How to verify the legality of a worker’s stay in Poland? What are the steps for legally hiring Ukrainians in Poland? What formalities are required when amending their terms of employment? How to delegate Ukrainian citizens to work elsewhere in the EU? How to end cooperation with foreign workers? Lawyers from the firm’s Employment & Global Mobility practice write about the rules for employing Ukrainians in Poland...
Wardynski & Partners
We focus on our clients' business needs, helping them find effective and practical solutions for their most difficult legal problems.
We maintain the highest legal and business standards. We are committed to promoting the civil society and the rule of law. We participate in non-profit projects and pro bono initiatives.
Our lawyers are active members of Polish and international legal organisations, gaining access to global knowhow and developing a network of contacts with the top lawyers and law firms in the world, which our clients can also benefit from.
We apply best global practice in law firm management. We continually improve the firm's operations, to our clients' advantage. We hold PN-EN ISO 9001-2015 quality certification for legal services.
We enjoy a reputation as a friendly employer. Our lawyers can grow in professional, business and social terms, including through training programmes on law and management skills.
We share our knowledge and experience through our portal for lawyers and businesspeople (www.inprinciple.pl), the firm Yearbook, the new tech law blog (www.newtech.law), the labour and employment law blog (HRlaw.pl), commentary to the new Public Procurement Law Act (komentarzpzp.pl - only in Polish) and numerous other publications and reports.
There are currently almost 150 lawyers in the firm serving clients in Polish, English, French, German, Spanish, Ukrainian, Russian, Czech, Italian and Korean.
We have offices in Warsaw, Poznan, Wroclaw and Krakow.
Year this Office was Established: 1988
Lawyers Worldwide: 150
Areas of Practice

Pawel Ciecwierz
Senior Partner
Jan Ciecwierz
Konrad Grotowski
Igor Hanas
Monika Hartung
Stefan Jacyno
Managing Partner
Szymon Kubiak
Lukasz Lasek
Mirella Lechna
Jakub Lerner
Michal Nowacki
Danuta Pajewska
Adam Pawlisz
Anna Pompe
Magdalena Switajska
Lukasz Szegda
Wlodzimierz Szoszuk
Senior Partner
Tomasz Wardynski
Radoslaw Wasiak
Dariusz Wasylkowski
Senior Partner
Krzysztof Wiktor
Krzysztof Wojdyło
Marcin Wujczyk
Tomasz Zasacki
Senior CounselAssociates

Joanna Dudek
Senior Associate
Ewa Gornisiewicz-Kaczor
Monika A. Górska
Jaroslaw Karlikowski
Jakub Kokowski
Joanna Krakowiak
Ewa Kruszko
Ewa Nagy
Weronika Nalbert
Senior Associate
Anna Olejniczak-Michalska
Adam Studzinski
Joanna Szafranska
Kinga Ziemnicka
AssociateOf Counsel

Ewa Butkiewicz
Senior Counsel
Konrad Werner
Of CounselOther

Agata Kryger
Marketing Specialist
Adrianna Ogonowska
Attorney at Law
Ewa Scibior
Senior HR Specialist
Daniel Smarduch
Aleksandra Wlodarczyk
Marketing Coordinator
Justyna Zandberg
Content Marketing Specialist, Managing Editor
Jakub Macek
Freezing of Accounts by Law Enforcement Authorities
It’s hard to explain to someone who has never been accused of a crime that they cannot use their own money, and this situation could last for months. Nonetheless, an institution exerting this effect functions under Polish law and can impact both individuals and companies This institution is the freezing of accounts. In general it is used where there is a suspicion that funds in an account have a criminal origin or are related to an offence. This institution is grounded in several sets of regulations in Poland, and how it is applied differs under each act. In this report we examine the institution of freezing of accounts in Poland...
Nestlé and Solgar Polska
We advised the Nestlé Group (Nestlé Polska S.A. and Société des Produits Nestlé SA) in reaching a preliminary, conditional agreement to acquire an organised part of the enterprise of Solgar Polska sp. z o.o. involving distribution of Solgar-brand products (dietary supplements).We provided comprehensive support for the clients in carrying out the due diligence process, structuring the transaction, negotiation and drafting of the entirety of the transaction documentation in the form of an asset deal, signing of the documentation, and coordination of the overall process...
Alten Group acquires Primaris Services
Wardyński & Partners advised ALTEN Group, a French listed company (Euronext Paris Compartment A) and a leader in engineering and IT services, on the acquisition of Primaris sp. z o.o.We provided comprehensive legal and tax structure assistance across all aspects of this complex transaction. Our firm’s team was led by Jakub Lerner, with contributions from Piotr Ząbkiewicz, Monika A...