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Carey | June 2020

New Law No. 21,234, which amends and replaces Law No. 20,009, entered into force on May 29th, 2020. This norm aims to provide more protection to consumers and extending the liability of financial institutions against payment card and electronic transaction fraud ...

Carey | June 2020

On May 29th, 2020, Law No. 21,234 was enacted (the"New Law"), amending and replacing completely Law No. 20,009, which establishes the “Regime of limitation of liability for users, of unauthorized use of means of payment”, expanding its scope of application, establishing a new liability regime for and a new catalogue of conducts which constitute the criminal offence of “fraudulent use of payment cards and electronic transactions”. Modifies Law No ...

Brigard Urrutia | June 2020

Bogotá DC Mayor's Office is preparing a package of new measures for the city The Bogota City Hall has advanced a series of new measures in order to continue fighting the expansion of COVID-19. Particularly, the orange alert has been declared in the hospital system of Intensive Care Units, with which, the District Health Secretariat will give guidelines on patient care and will manage their referral to ICUs ...

Carey | June 2020

On June 20th., it was published Law N°21.240, bill which was approved last Wednesday 17th by the Congress. The New Law increases sanctions for the infringement of quarantines and sets forth responsibility for Employees and Legal Entities. Article 318 of the Criminal Code punishes anyone who “jeopardizes public health by the infringement of hygienic and sanitary norms properly published by the authority, in the context of a catastrophe, pandemic or contagion ...

Brigard Urrutia | June 2020

Free way to different sports disciplines, among them, the practice of Golf. The Ministry of Sports issued Resolution 632 of 2020, approving the specific biosafety protocol for playing Golf that was presented by the Colombian Golf Federation. The protocol describes the measures that the clubs must implement on the golf courses for their reopening, for recreational practice, and exclusively covers the complex of facilities inherent in a standard golf course ...

Beccar Varela | June 2020

Report of the Department of Banks and Financial Institutions Health Emergency - BCRA Communication “A” 7048: adjustments to the national payment system. Yesterday, the Central Bank of the Argentine Republic (BCRA) issued Communication "A" 7048 (the " Communication "), through which certain adjustments were established on the national payment system. The Communication was issued in accordance with the provisions of Decree No ...

Carey | June 2020

  On June 11, 2020, the Ministry of Transport and Telecommunications, the Ministry of Economy and the National Consumer Service ("Sernac") announced the implementation of the "I want to exit" platform, in order to enable telecommunications users to terminate contracts with telecommunications service providers in an expeditious manner ...

Carey | June 2020

Due to the reduction to the minimum necessary staff that works in mining operations and, consequently, to the reduction of their capacity to react in the event of incidents or operational accidents,a guide for preparing contingency plans with measures to prevent these risks was approved. (Guide: Exempt Resolution No ...

Carey | June 2020

The Commission for the Financial Market (“CMF”), issued the General Rule No. 443, dated June 15, 2020 (the “NCG 443”), in order to establish the requirements to temporarily exempt from the presentation of certain documentation in the applications for registration of public offers of securities, and to permanently amend the General Rule No ...

Carey | July 2020

Regulation Considering the Covid-19 pandemic and Chile's declaration of a State of Disaster, the National Customs Service (Servicio Nacional de Aduanas, "SNA") has issued certain regulations to facilitate foreign and domestic trade operations electronically and to protect the health of all people involved in its operations. Below you will find a description of the regulations currently in force and effect: A. Circular Letter No ...

Carey | July 2020

On June 30th, the following Resolutions issued by the Corporation for the Promotion of Production (“CORFO”, for its Spanish acronym), were published in the Official Gazette: Resolution Nº36. By means of this Resolution certain coverage programs were temporarily modified within the State of Constitutional Exception of Catastrophe due to public calamity ...

Carey | July 2020

On July 2nd, the Ministry of Health published Decree No. 21 of 2020, amending Decree No. 4 of 2020, which declared sanitary alert in the country ...

Guyer & Regules | July 2020

The new prior authorization regime for economic concentrations in Uruguay passed by Congress in 2019 is in force since April 2020 and therefore premerger control is since mandatory for a large set of transactions involving Uruguay. The Uruguayan Antitrust Commission has recently published the form for market participants to request antitrust authorization ...

On July 4, Board of Directors Resolution No. 00010-2020-OEFA/CD adopted the Regulation of the Electronic Box System of the Agency for Environmental Assessment and Enforcement (OEFA), regulating, among other aspects, the following: Mandatory use of the electronic box system to take notice of administrative acts and proceedings issued by the OEFA ...

Carey | July 2020

Government submits bill establishing tax measures linked to the Emergency Plan for Revenue Protection and Economic and Employment Reactivation July 6, 2020 With the purpose of promoting the country's economic recovery, the last June 25 a bill with the new tax measures announced a few weeks ago by the government was introduced in the Congress ...

Carey | July 2020

On June 24, Law No. 21,242 was published, establishing a transitional benefit for certain independent professionals consisting in the possibility of obtaining cash benefits for 3 months, continuously or discontinued, within the next 6 months. This benefit must be subsequently returned to the Treasury in 3 annual installments of 20%, 40% and 40% of the amount received ...

Carey | July 2020

On July 3rd, 2020, Supreme Decree No. 18/2020 of the Ministry of Labor and Social Securitywas published,approving the regulation of Article 152 quater M of the Labor Code, establishing specific health and safety conditions at work applicable for employees rendering services in regimes of remote work or telework (hereinafter, the “Regulation”) ...

Carey | July 2020

The National Institute of Industrial Property (INAPI) recently issued Notice No. 524, which provides that it will be possible to enter simple (scanned) digital copies of powers of attorney, without requiring the original document or an electronic document with an advanced electronic signature, thus making it possible to continue the processing of applications for registration, renewals, recordals, among others, during the quarantine period produced by Covid-19 ...

Carey | July 2020

By means of Ordinary Resolution No. 675/2020 dated July 8th, 2020 (“Ordinary 675”), the Ministry of Energy established the criteria of the requests of Unique Collective Permits applicable to companies with power generation businesses in the context of the transit instructions issued by the sanitary authority due to the COVID-19 outbreak ...

Carey | July 2020

Resolution No. 61/202 of Chilean Tax Authority amends instructions on Certificate No. 66 on donations and expenses associated with the global outbreak of Covid-19 July 6, 2020 On June 17, the Internal Revenue Service issued the Resolution No. 61 through which it modified the Resolution No. 49, which creates the certificate that recipients must issue for the donations they receive in the context of the health crisis produced by Covid-19. According to Resolution No ...

Carey | July 2020

The pandemic revealed a great need to remotely execute acts and contracts, avoiding the need to meet to sign the documents or appear before a notary. This increased the doubts about the regulation on electronic signatures, especially in order to understand under what circumstances they can be used and when not ...

Carey | July 2020

On Monday July 27th, Law No. 21,247 which establishes special benefits for some parents and children’s guardians (the “Law”) in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, was published on the Official Gazette. The main aspects regulated by the Law, are the following:   I. Preventive parental leave It consists in the granting of preventive leave for taking care of children whose parents were making use of the parental postnatal leave ...

Carey | August 2020

On August 18, the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate approved a bill introduced by the government on June 25, which establishes the emergency plan to promote economic recovery and employment. Although in its first phase, the project was modified and approved by the Chamber of Deputies, and rejected by the Senate, the new proposal submitted by the Joint Commission was approved in its entirety by the Congress ...

Carey | August 2020

On Tuesday, August 18, the Congress approved a bill that contemplates several tax measures in order to inject liquidity and promote economic reactivation (the "Bill"). Among other measures, the Bill grants the possibility to Corporate Tax taxpayers who declare effective income according to complete accounting, to instantly depreciate 100% of the value of new or imported fixed assets acquired between June 1, 2020 and December 31, 2022 ...

On August 25, 2020, Board Resolution No. 003-2020-EF/68.0 was published in the Official Gazette “El Peruano”, approving the “Guidelines for the State's response to the potential impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on Public Private Partnership projects” (the “Guidelines”) ...
